Auryn/Medinah - 2021 - 2nd Half General Discussion

Sure would be nice if the company simply reported grades received by Enami so that the wild speculations on grades could be confirmed, exceeded, or more grounded in reality. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect every 20 tonnes of ore to be reported on but, at least in the early days, every 100 or 200 tonnes would be helpful. If they are taking the time to record videos they should have the time to post the results (which should be in hand unless they only drove one truck down the hill).


I expect the company will report results (at least for the first few shipments of each identifiable structure) as they come in. I don’t expect much from the first shipments. Those are from the first structure which we know were high in Cu and not DL quality Au.

The company said it would announce when it intersected the DL. They have not announced it which means they haven’t cut it yet. But it seems to be close since the last tweet video indicated the current structure is a branch of the DL.

Keep your eyes on the prize John. You may want to watch those videos at HD on something bigger than a mobile device. The DL - 1500m by 1000m+ by n.nm @ nn.n gpt Au. Plus the branches which appear to be quite rich if the pictures are representative. Granted, pictures are not truckloads of ore. Neither are they official assays. But IF the DL matches historical grades and recent assays of it, then that is where we will hit the big payday.

I will let the people on the ground and those who are paying for this (TO OUR BENEFIT and at their expense) make the call as to how to proceed, where to target, when to ship, when to drill, etc.,etc.

You have the mindset that this is still being run by LP and friends with the old playbook. It’s a new day. If it were the old day, the $2-3 million advanced for development would have been done so for very favorable preferred shares with multipliers and annual compounding interest to the detriment of all us little guys. That hasn’t been done. Thank you, AUMC and Maurizio.

And before you respond how Maurizio had to finance it because it’s the only way and he couldn’t get financing after shopping it around, blah, blah, blah - I say you are grossly mischaracterizing the little you know from very informal discussions you had with MC 2 or 3 years ago. Even if it was the only way, he certainly has every right to get more than a non-interest, $ for $ payback of what he is advancing. He’s even losing to inflation the way it is structure, i.e. he’s not even breaking even.


My opinion - any critical expression from arm-chair quarterbacks on how things should be done that doesn’t include (or never included) a healthy dose of gratitude for how AUMC has managed its structure and moved the project forward to the benefit of the common shareholders post LP fraud discovery is unfair, uncalled for, and misinformed.


I expect serious inflection points over the next 2-3 quarters, especially if consistent shipments from the DL occur and it matches historic grades.

– Your friendly AUMC/MDMN shareholder advocate. :smiley:


The new pictures in the “gallery” portion of the Auryn website show a lot of “banding” within the vein structures surrounding the DL1 Vein within the Antonino Adit. This is consistent with the massive width of argillic alteration we see at surface around the DL1 Vein. The two phenomena occurring together often presage high-grade gold ore. These are called “multi-phase” vein deposits. When the roof of an underlying magma chamber is breached because of a build-up in pressure, the ore-bearing hydrothermal fluids and gases ascend and begin to cling to the side walls of overlying faults and fissures in the rocks. When the rising fluids and gases take a break, the fault has a coating of new ore-bearing minerals that is allowed to cool. Typically, there are white lines and dark lines left clinging to the fault’s walls. The white lines are made of quartz-like materials called silicates and the dark lines are composed of ginguro, which holds the gold and silver. When the next batch of rising fluids and gases heads upwards the same thing occurs and you have a new white and dark line on each side wall. Eventually, the space between the walls of the faulted structure gets occluded and you are left with a “banded vein” with white and dark stripes parallel to the walls of the fault. We’ve all seen pictures of high-grade gold amongst bright white quartz. In these deposits it’s just the opposite. The gold, silver and copper hang out in the black to dark gray ugly stuff. You’ve seen a lot of this in the “gallery” photos. CONCENTRATE YOUR EYES ON THE UGLY STUFF.

With these multiple phases of extremely hot hydrothermal fluids and gases occurring, the surface above the new vein, which used to consist of granite-like rock called granodiorite, literally gets pressure cooked into clay minerals known as illite and smectite and kaolinite. This is the argillic alteration seen on the plateau that extends for several hundred meters in width. So, lots of argillic alteration at surface is often associated with underlying “banded veins”. The gold grades get so high because of the multiple bathings of these ore-bearing fluids. In the abstract from a very good article on these phenomena the last line describes the role of “boiling” in getting the high-grade gold to be deposited. What’s a bit tough to understand is that these fluids are too hot (often near 350-degrees C) to “boil”. They literally need to cool down in order to “boil”. When these fluids enter into wide spaces like that in a fault structure, they cool rapidly and drop out their contained gold. So, all of that “banding” you see in the new pictures is a very good thing. You didn’t see nearly this much in the pictures of the DL1 Vein up higher in the structure which the old miners were mining.

“ABSTRACT: High-grade ore zones in low-sulfidation epithermal deposits are commonly associated with the occurrence of banded quartz veins. The ore minerals in these veins are heterogeneously distributed and are mostly confined to ginguro bands, which can be identified in hand specimen based on their distinct dark gray to black color. Micro-X-ray fluorescence element maps obtained on representative samples of banded quartz veins show that Au occurs together with Ag minerals in some of the ginguro bands, but Au can also be present in quartz bands that are light gray to white and cannot be macroscopically distinguished from barren bands. The occurrence of compositionally distinct ginguro and gankin bands, the latter being a new term coined here for colloform quartz bands containing primarily electrum or native gold, can be explained by temporal changes in the composition of the ore-forming thermal waters or variations in the conditions of ore deposition. Textural relationships, including the dendritic shape of ore minerals that appear to have grown in a matrix of silica microspheres, suggest that the ginguro and gankin bands have formed as a result of rapid deposition associated with vigorous boiling or flashing of the thermal waters.”


Gold investments aligning to be very fortuitous to the timing of MC’s end of year progress on our ADL project.
This AM’s headline:

December Gold Contract Closes up US$4.60; Settles at US$1,868.50 per Ounce



Wow Wiz…a pretty defensive post in response to my very simple (and to be expected) request for regular reporting on grades. Given that the company thought they hit the DL vein over six months ago, I would argue that more vs. less information at this critcial juncture should be a reasonable request. Otherwise, readers on this board will continue to have to suffer from wild and almost alway inaccurate speculation as to grade, production, volume and cash dividends. I believe you might have deflated BB’s balloon with your last post as, once again, he had already assumed the DL vein had been hit. And now you are hedging on the grades of the first shipments based on the Cu mix even though they are clearly only sending high grade material to Enami? Is this why they haven’t issued any “production” data?

The point of my post: more regular updates re: progress on the hill should be a welcome development for investors and onlookers, especially given the miscues to date.

As somoeone who received a big chunk of AUMC shares for services rendered (deservedly so) it doesn’t suprise me that your reflex response is gratitude. However, shareholders have already been hit with massive dilution associated with the AUMC “merger”. I commend Maurizio for offering very favorable terms to get things going. But, let’s not forget that MDMN took a significant haircut at the time of the transaction because Maurizio claimed to be fully funded. If you are going to praise him for his benevolence (which is actually benefiting him as the largest shareholder) its important to add some underlying context. IMHO


Really? You’re like a bull dog that has no teeth. You know as well as everyone on this forum that the reason Medinah took a significant haircut was not MC claiming to be fully funded, and in fact MDMN would not even exist had MC not already seen the financial mess this company was in. Your presence I’m sure is beneficent and just trying to save hapless uninformed investors what a poor speculative play this is. I’m sure you’ll let us all know when it looks good enough for you to jump back in. Thanks for letting us know a few years back you may visit from time to time to see how eveyrone was doing. I do hope your Christmas stocking is already full this year, as I do hear there may be some supply train problems. :wink:


I certainly concur. This was a straight forward post and is the way many here are viewing the progress being made on the mountain. Many thanks for the hard work you put into this most speculative of plays in years past. Present DD and perspectives are always appreciated by present shareholders and the main purpose of this forum. We’ve all been waiting for the prize of a big pay day. It appears progress is accelerating toward that goal. Investors here on the forum certainly have their eyes wide open on this play. I can only imagine that brokerages will have a hard time reconciling their books once MDMN shares are converted 200:1 for AUMC shares and distributed to shareholders. I hope MDMN reaches several cents based on the progress AUMC is making on the exploitation of the ADL’s mineral wealth before that distribution occurs. The progress has been exceedingly slow as many have commented on, but is progressing methodically now that true mining has begun, and is combined with further exploration. It will all be reported as warranted by significant results.


So, beyond some properties with undeterminable value that were vended into AUMC, what did Maurizio pay for 75% of the assets? Its investors like you that make it all to easy to take candy from the baby. In other words, I disagree with your assessment. The illusion that AUMC could actually take the assets into production (vs. sit idly for three years) is exactly why they got the asset for next to nada.

Any yes, I’ve been transparent about my position (or lack thereof) in AUMC and MDMN and will be happy to tell you if I pick up some shares in AUMC.

Actually Baldy,
Do you have an axe to grind here? Once you let us all know you sold and would visit from time to time I was looking forward to hearing back from you around Christmas time each year. Since that time, however, it seems you find it necessary to repeatedly tell us just how right you were to sell. Thank you. Great! It was the right time for you. Perhaps your time could be better spent elsewhere more profitability and just come back when you decide to get back in when you realize, if you ever do, this is going to be a great company and make you some money. :sleeping:


I appreciate your concerns for how I spend my time but I follow many stocks like MDMN where I hold no position. If anyone is guilty of repeating themselves I might point to other posts (cash dividend machine, etc)…at least my redundancy has been accurate. No reason to attack the messenger but if you would like to attack my messages, obviously fair game.

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I think the market for MDMN and/or AUMC is going to open up one day with a HUGE gap UP. When it will happen, we will never know. That will be a good day.

“Healthy dose of gratitude” is right. God bless Maurizio. I don’t know how we could ever thank him ENOUGH! After all that has happened, here we are with at least a CHANCE of making our money back.


How do you ever get your money back when almost everyone is down over 90% over a 5-20 year period on average for the long term shareholders? And that’s not even factoring in what THAT money would have made in ANY other investment except this one…

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How…By having brass balls and a deep belief that this will the most remarkable 20 year ride and one day you will be able sit with the Grand kids and share your story on how you own an island. Plus you are still here lol



There might be some here that don’t really care that much about that.
Ones that did are else were by now.
Chasing some big pharmaceutical companies stock.
When you’ve been in this game long enough, you already have a couple of these under your belt .
And this ones a whole lot more interesting, then most of them were.
We keep it around for the same reason we listen to old music, keep a great Tequila tucked away with some fine cigars, in a gassed up old classic car. Because we just like having it.
Maybe we have the same tenacity of spirit the old miners that went before us had, of hoped to hit it big, some day.
We don’t mind having stock in a gold mine.
And some just might’ be stubborn’, and just want to prove something to somebody.
Im proud to be a little of both. Hope that helped explain it.


That might very well explain it for you, but explaining it to everyone else who drank the cool aid including myself might be a different story. And that doesn’t count all of the friends and family many of us are responsible for getting into this POS…

How do you ever get your money back?

Mangelsen, here’s an answer you might not have considered: AVERAGING DOWN.

Personally, I averaged down - I was originally in at about .14 some ten years ago, but I have purchased many millions of shares since then, so my average price per share is less than .01.

Considering all the drama that’s transpired, averaging down was somewhat of a risky move. I could have just eaten my losses and moved on. I’ve always been convinced by very smart minds around here that there is a LOAD of mineralization on the properties, waiting to be exploited by just one honest and virtuous man (and now we know VERY generous). Now we have him - Maurizio. It’s looking better and better all the time. We now have the chance to actually get our money back. If the company announces any amount of decent production with the potential to scale up and then mentions the word “dividends”, there’s no telling what might happen. I have my own version of numbers which I have run here before, which are very enticing - and all dependent upon average grade, tons per day, and the number of working faces being mined. I’d be happy to do so again, but I wouldn’t want to offend anybody’s sensibilities.


I’m not still here to get my money back. I accepted my actions and the loss I took here long ago. The federal reserve has seen to it that it’s even less likely I’ll ever break even. I am of course open to the possibility, but I have accepted the situation as it currently is and, aside from staying connected to this forum and looking at my position and remembering the gains I once had each day I open my trading account, I have moved on. In regards to the “people I got into this”, whatever loss or gain they might have is not my responsibility, just as I don’t blame or hold ill will against those that brought it to my attention. (They have long left this arena). I read the posts, looked at the charts, did whatever (likely very little) DD I did and I pushed the buy button… over and over and over ad nauseum… to the tune of 12M shares. There is no responsible averaging down for me either. There is no way I’m spending another 60 grand to bring my cost avg down to a little below .05, or 120 grand to get to .025.

When I got involved in this I was pretty much an idiot in regards to pinks and miners and even the markets overall. I ignorantly skipped into MDMN/CDCH land and clicked away just like all these BTFD idiots on Robinhood these days. I even had one conversation with LP when he was still everyone’s hero and had a very clear and obvious feeling that told me beware and instead I kept buying. I had my chance to take millions in profit but my greed wanted higher prices. I had my chance to take more reasonable losses and did nothing. So, I bought the ticket and got on the ride. I’m on it until it’s over, however that may play out, and I accept that because I ignored all the other choices when I had them. If it turns out that Maurizio’s endeavors help me to recover any of my current losses then I will be grateful. If I should get back to break even I may take a flight to Chile and kiss the mountain and every person working on it!

I’ve been through the denial, the anger, and the sorrow regarding my actions with this company. I’m at a place of acceptance and will enjoy the ride wherever it takes us.


Traderich, looking forward to the day you have to pucker up, as I think it’s gonna happen. I won’t be taking any trip down to Chile, but I just might ask Maurizio the name of his favorite charity and generously spread the goodness he has and will have given us. Maybe that University down there? We’ll see.


Since all of the MDMN shares will ultimately receive AUMC shares, Basically the MDMN vehicle will become useless and we will all have massive tax loss offsets in return for either selling or relinquishing the MDMN shares. There is some value in that.

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You are going to need that cost basis in MDMN because the AUMC shares will come with zero cost basis.