“…the only solution…”? Without being partial or unjust? Mods have many other options in their toolbox to promote harmony. A sledgehammer or chainsaw won’t fix anything.
I think some of the most respected contributors in this little group have made their opinions about BE very clear. Why treat him as a child and threaten “bannings”? Yes, doing that would be childish in this case, unless he starts spewing foul-mouthed attacks or threatening violence. You either agree with his opinions or you don’t. We are all grown with developed reasoning skills. The offended can counter any of BE’s claims or opinions with known facts and engage him in a healthy and civil debate. BB is a good example of doing just that.
This is the shareholders’ forum, so I think the consensus rules. Nobody is “god” here, including the mods or BE himself. But banning him just adds fuel to the fire and turns this forum into a dictatorship.
I agree with TradeRich, Hurricane Rick, Wizard, Drifter and others: nobody is being forced to read his posts. Most everyone knows what this investment is about, so anything negative BE says is just his opinion, no matter how unpopular it may be. Just ignore what you don’t like. That’s what I had to do here ten years ago when I discovered a knife in my back (stemming from vocalizing my neutrality about baldy & those complaining about him) — I was removed as a mod because of my stand on the matter. I just let the personal attack against me go, dumped back-biting cargo, then I went on ignoring it no matter how unjust. Lesson well learned.
Yes, BE knows damn well he is crass and antagonistic - but he still has important information to share from his POV. Everyone here has that same right, too. Several members recently expressed how they have learned from his posts over the years despite his narcissistic demeanor. But, Immoderate or partial mods tend to damage members’ trust and generate even more chaos. IMHO. They tear the forum apart instead of promoting the cohesive force that keeps it all together — keeping it together is a mod’s job.
I love TradeRich’s reference to Rodney King.