Auryn/Medinah - 2023 2nd Half General Discussion


Auryn management recently let us know that if they were to build their own froth flotation plant at the ADL, AND IF THEY WERE WILLING TO STORE THE DISCARDS/”TAILINGS” ON-SITE (instead of Enami storing them at their facilities), THEN THE ECONOMIC IMPACT WOULD RESULT IN AURYN EARNING AN “EXTRA” $5,000 PER TONNE OF ORE MINED. This would translate into an “extra” $100,000 per 20-tonne truckload of ore shipped.

I keep trying to “reverse engineer” management’s statement, so that I could get a better understanding of the breakdown of this “DIFFERENTIAL”. Even if management was only producing 40 tonnes per day (2 truckloads), which is an extremely low production rate, this “DIFFERENTIAL” would result in an EXTRA $200,000 PER DAY in profits over and above what Enami would pay them if Enami were doing the froth flotation of that ore. Based on 300-working days per year, this would translate into an EXTRA $60 million in annual profits, over and above the profits made if Enami did the froth flotation of the ore.

One thing I’ve learned is that Enami DOES NOT want to store the discards/tailings of their client’s ore on their premises, and they are willing to pay handsomely if their clients do their own “froth flotation” on-site, and store the discards also on-site. Operating on a plateau makes this fairly easy for Auryn.

The math is kind of interesting and it tells us how much money people are willing to pay for this silly stuff called “gold”. If you are mining 1 gram per tonne gold, then this means that the grade of the gold is only 1 PART PER MILLION. Why is this? There are 1,000 kiligrams in 1 metric tonne and there are 1,000 grams in 1 kilogram. So, 1 “GRAM PER TONNE” (1 gpt) gold is equivalent to 1 “PART PER MILLION” (1ppm) gold.

For crushed ore, this means that for every “grain of sand” of gold in a stockpile, there are 999,999 grains of worthless “gangue”. Yet 1 gpt gold is the average grade of gold being mined in open pit operations worldwide. So, mining is basically a “how and where do we store the discards” business, and Enami’s attitude is you keep your own discards and we’ll reward you handsomely.
Miners willing or financially able to build their own “froth flotation” plant, will pay an average of $10 per tonne of ore mined after you factor in the CAPEX of one of these facilities, the life expectancy of the facility and the “daily throughput” of these facilities. The daily “OPEX” or “operating expenses” are also factored into that $10 per tonne statistic. This is a very INEXPENSIVE “beneficiation” process.

Wait a minute, how can a young gold producer willing AND ABLE to build its own froth flotation plant, and pay an average of $10 per tonne mined to build and run it, SAVE/EARN an “extra” $5,000 per tonne? The LEVERAGE available here is 500-to-1, IF, IF, IF the junior gold producer can swing it, and build its own froth flotation facility, and store its own tailings. My investment philosophy is to only add to my position in a stock, IF certain milestones are met. Accessing this 500-to-1 LEVERAGE, via building a flotation plant on-site, is therefore one gigantic milestone to reach if it happens, especially if it happens in a NON-DILUTIVE fashion.

Well aware of these numbers, the Auryn BOD UNANIMOUSLY voted in favor of building their own flotation plant. I don’t think they would have announced this fact until AFTER they had the financing in place. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Maurizio continued his policy of advancing all of the cash needed until production commenced, but time will tell.

Historically, “froth flotation” will increase the grade of the ore mined by an average of over 4-TIMES. The range is in between 2-TIMES and 20-TIMES. The University of San Sebastian’s Mining Engineering Department has been fine-tuning the most efficient “customized flow sheet” for the froth flotation of the ore from Auryn’s DL2 Mine for a little over 2 years. Whatever they came up with is “baked into the cake” in that $5,000 per tonne “EXTRA” income figure. I’m going to guess that when Enami does the froth flotation for their customer’s ore, their approach is more of a “1 size fits all” approach. I would assume that they’re certainly not in a position to put in extended amounts of time to tailor-design every one of their thousands of client’s froth flotation flow sheets, but I do not know this to be a fact.

As I recently learned, a lot of that 500-to-1 LEVERAGE is not associated with simply increasing the grade of the ore by an average of 4-fold via froth flotation. The next step in the process after froth flotation is typically the “CARBON-IN-LEACH” (CIL) process. This particular process, which is made a lot more efficient if the ore had been previously “froth floated”, magnifies the grade of the ore by an AVERAGE factor of in between 667-fold and 2,000-fold. In other words, 3 gpt gold ore gets converted into 2,000 to 6,000 gpt gold ore. THIS APPEARS TO BE THE SOURCE OF THAT 500-TO-1 LEVERAGE AND NOT THE FROTH FLOTATION IN AND OF ITSELF. Froth flotation “sets up” the CIL process to be much more effective.

In the case of Auryn, “CARBON IN LEACH” would involve dissolving the gold within the “flotation concentrate” resulting from the froth flotation process, in a dilute cyanide solution rendering it a liquid. This liquid is then exposed to activated carbon and the gold “adsorbs” onto the surface of the carbon. The gold is then separated from the carbon.

The keys to accessing all of that 500-to-1 LEVERAGE would have many components. The foundational component would be HIGH-GRADE ORE. Without HIGH-GRADE ORE most miners could never afford to put in their own froth flotation system. Other factors would include, being willing and able to store the discards on-site, having your own “customized flow sheet” for the froth flotation process, being able to bypass Enami’s fee structures, and being able to prepare the hyper-concentrated “float concentrate” for a more efficient “CARBON IN LEACH” process. Keep in mind that if the grade of the “float concentrate” was enhanced by a factor of 4-fold, then three-fourths of the tonnage of the ore originally mined, never needed to be TRANSPORTED or run through the CARBON IN LEACH process which is more expensive than the froth flotation process. Getting rid of a significant percentage of the waste rock/”gangue” right from the start, via an INEXPENSIVE beneficiation methodology like froth flotation, saves a lot of money when the resultant “flotation concentrate” advances to the next, MORE EXPENSIVE, step in the beneficiation process.

When the froth flotation process increases the grade of the resultant “flotation concentrate” by 4-fold, this means that three-fourths of the worthless “gangue” has been removed. This translates into the ability for the cyanide ions to “find” the gold particles and dissolve them in a much more efficient manner. The huge multiplying effect in concentration of the gold, occurs during the CIL process, not the froth flotation process. We don’t know what the multiplier effect is for the froth flotation process Auryn is about to deploy. All we know is that whatever it is the ECONOMICS are greatly improved.

People talk about the “head grade” or “run of mine grade” of ore taken out of the adit and that’s important in order to be able to afford your own flotation plant. What’s even more important is what is the grade of the material being transported in a truck, down the North Road, to its next destination, whether it be a CIL plant or a smelter. What’s also critical is what did it COST, to achieve that SHIPPING GRADE, on-site, between the mining of the ore and the froth flotation of the ore.

Spending an average of $10 per tonne in order to access that 500-to-1 LEVERAGE seems like a pretty good deal. As the cash starts to flow, Auryn will no doubt be considering building their own CIL plant on-site just as they did when considering building a froth flotation facility. Junior gold producers in Chile that are mining 1-2 gpt gold ore are probably never going to be able to access these sources of LEVERAGE. Recall that the artisanal miners that mined that very same DL2 Vein, averaged SHIPPING GRADES to Enami of 64 gpt gold without any beneficiation done on-site. The average froth flotation plant in service today takes an average of about 158 days of production to pay itself off.


Then why aren’t the financiers lined up at the door? With all this talk about the piles of collateral and no need for drill programs etc, why would we have a problem getting non-dilutive financing? Why wouldn’t another off-taker jump in right now?

Your postings seem to make a lot of logical sense on the surface but the big ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM for me is the major disconnect in what is actually happening. If the company doesn’t announce successful non-dilutive financing, you can take all your recent postings and dump them in the garbage can because smart money isn’t buying what you are selling.

Hi JimmyP,

The fact that management stated in a quarterly update that the BOD unanimously agreed that the project is a “go”, suggests to me that they had a pretty good idea as to how it was to be financed. Management stated that they were submitting the permitting paperwork in October of 2023. They also stated, “Once we submit the permit application for the flotation plant, we plan to promptly initiate the preparatory civil work for construction and installation. “

As far as the chances for some sort of dilutive financing being on the table, management has the most to lose because they own 60% of the Auryn shares. In their back pocket, they have a perfectly viable option of just shipping the extremely high-grade ore they have been stockpiling NOW to Enami for “X” amount of months until they can cash out the CAPEX costs for the plant. I can’t see the logic of doing a dilutive financing when the share price is in the toilet when they don’t have to.

If the miners that bought their own flotation plants and are mining “average grade ore” need 5-plus months to pay it off, how long would it take for Auryn to pay off their plant with the grades they are encountering?

As far as a press release citing that a financing deal has been officially completed, I don’t think I’d expect that until the permitting is in hand and the ink is dry. In the interim timeframe, I would assume that Maurizio is probably cutting the checks for the permitting and preparatory civil work.
Maurizio seems to be in pretty good with the permitting authorities, SERNAGEOMIN. They were recently on-site heaping praises on Maurizio as to what a wonderful job he has done in constructing the mine as well as Auryn’s compliance with the ESG protocols.

We still need to figure out what Maurizio was referring to when he recently stated, “Management is also actively engaged in discussions and presentations with potential investors for financing the construction of a milling facility. This effort reflects our commitment to leveraging all available resources to optimize the value of our mining operations.” Which “available resources” is Maurizio busy “leveraging” in order to pay for the new mill?


Seems to be obvious but when BB is proven, once again, to be way of the mark, he will just pivot again. There’s no pride in his ownership. Its been well over a month since he reached out to the company. Seems odd that he can’t get a response and I can guarantee you, based on this recent posts, he hasn’t received a response. If he hadn’t destroyed so much wealth while accusing those who raised cautionary flags as frauds, I’d almost feel sorry for the guy.

There is plenty of upside to this investment at these levels without the need for “pie in the sky” speculations. I think BB truly believes that management has a “keep cards close to the vest” mentality and he doesn’t think much of your conversations with them nor that he hasn’t received responses from them. He truly thinks that must indicate the massive potential here of a major event is not worth management spilling the beans. I won’t speak for him, but that’s the impression I get. It’s also pretty apparent from his postings that he is confident in his own DD and analysis that he isn’t phased by management’s lack of promotion or promises. Your assessment of him is that this is all defense mechanisms for being down 1000% on the investment, but I think he really is super confident that an incredible outcome lies ahead.

Just my take on it.


Hi JimmyP,

I’m not waiting for a response from management. I do not want to directly communicate with management. I used Kevin as an intermediary to relay onto management some suggestions I had in regards to the stockpiling of ore. My request was that they keep shareholders periodically posted on the approximate tonnage of ore stockpiled and the approximate grade they were encountering. I was also interested in an approximate DAILY PRODUCTION RATE.

I’ve been a member of a group of securities lawyers, economists, investors and Ex-SEC employees that are very much into STOCK MARKET REFORM. We represent the needs of the MAIN STREET INVESTORS and we often butt heads with WALL STREET “PROFESSIONALS”. In 1999, we suggested to the SEC that they address what we referred to as “SELECTIVE DISCLOSURE” of non-public material information, by corporate issuers, to Wall Street “professionals” acting in the capacity of analysts and hedge fund and private equity investors. We noted how these “professionals” acted like they were “ENTITLED” to such information whether or not they had any interest in doing business with these corporations.

The SEC enacted what is referred to as REGULATION FULL DISCLOSURE or “Reg FD”. This mandated that when corporate issuers relayed nonpublic material information to parties on Wall Street, that they simultaneously make that information available to all investors. I am the last person that would approach management in order to acquire actionable inside information. If I did, I would demand that management have me sign a NONDISCLOSURE/NONCIRCUMVENTION AGREEMENT forbidding me from any market participation until all information that was conveyed to me IN TRUST was made public.

Many months ago, a poster on this forum asked me a question that was tangentially related to REG FD. I mentioned that my group was active in pushing through some legislation. Baldy immediately called me a liar and told all of you that I was “DELUSIONAL”. How would Baldy know what I was doing 24 years ago?

Being that I am not done establishing my final “long” position in Medinah or Auryn, the last thing I would do is to handcuff myself from buying more shares. I’ll know if my recommendations bore any fruit at the next shareholder update.

My group was also very active in contributing many dozens of pages of testimony to the SEC and others while pushing for another SEC Regulation, this one banning “ABUSIVE NAKED SHORT SELLING”. This resulted in what is referred to as “REG SHO” which was enacted in 2005.


I’m a bit confused, BB. I see a few posts by someone trying to discourage me from reading your posts. He claims that you’ve been proven to be ‘off the mark’; but I’ve not seen any solid claims or projections from your posts that fit that bill.

You post what may be a possible outcome based on your mining knowledge and what little management tells us. The data taken from the Shareholder Update communications should be explored exactly the way you’ve been doing it all along. If he has a different opinion, then he can post what he thinks could happen without trying to drag your name thru the mud all the time. But, he doesn’t have as much mining knowledge as you do.

No. I’m not confused at all. The unreasonable claims against YOU are the problem. I would like to see him point out any one of his specific claims against you without generalizing, grasping at straws, or outright lying. He just keeps throwing pasta against the wall to see if anything sticks. He’s not doing too well, though. :roll_eyes:


I think this is an accurate assessment, but can you imagine being so wrong for the better part of two decades and not changing one’s approach? Maybe consider speaking to management to receive non insider information to make sure you aren’t offering insane commentary on a public forum. At some point one needs to take a step back and reassess.

I agree that there is some potential upside form these levels with proper execution. High teens in AUMC is a good level, as I’ve stated on multiple occasions. I also agree that many of BB’s ridiculous speculations are a cancer to this stock. There’s no need for his pie in the sky commentary. If Maurizio finally delivers the share price will take care of itself. Not a great place to currently “park” your money given that everything else in precious metals is ripping…but

November 2015 (BB Post). Truly amazing that this guy hasn’t learned a single lesson in all these years. AUMC and MDMN down 99% since this “Illuminating” post. There are so many more but this was the first I found when querying “Les Price.”


You don’t even want to get it. Your arguments are so weak yet convincing to those that don’t understand markets and mining that it’s scary. Let’s tell the whole truth in an unbiased fashion for a change. You say in a very convincing fashion:
“Great Jim. Who owns the Picasso? I can promise you that your stake has been reduced by more than 95%.”

Let’s rephrase that in a responsible unbiased fashion. Jim used to own “X”% of a company that started with a tiny mining concession called the Millalelfun 1-55. There were no interested buyers at the time as it was an unproven asset. The stock was trading at $1 at the time and JJ was handed a small chunk of shares. So I owned “X”% of pretty much nothing.

Today I admittedly own much less than “X”% of a corporation that has an option deal on the table that I feel there is compelling evidence will be exercised. You know the terms of the option, they’re very lucrative. A lot of time, effort and money was spent building a “package” of assets that would attract the attention of the big boys. That’s what successful junior explorers do. That was accomplished and I knew going into this investment that my initial ownership was destined to be diluted. I was prepared for that. I was more interested in the VALUE of my ownership stake itself throughout the many years I knew it would take to build a “package” worthy of the interest of the big boys.

Those initial 275 hectares now stand at somewhere around 11,000 ha. Since Medinah, as well as no other junior explorers, are cash flow positive then they are forced to pay their monthly burn rate by selling shares to investors or having management pay the bills and later reimburse them. I knew there was going to be a day of reckoning via a “debt settlement” when I noticed that management was paying all of the bills. I was mentally prepared for this news. With the lack of any share distributions over the last several quarters I am preparing myself for the fact that somebody is paying the bills now and is going to want to be reimbursed at some point in time. I realize that the bills need to be paid and the monthly burn rate for a corporation in Medinah’s position is going to go nowhere but up with everything that is going on. There will be another day of reckoning in the future to repay those that are funding the paying of the bills today. I’ve prepared for that.

When you say that my ownership interest got diluted by 95% the key to me who doesn’t have an “anger itch” needing a daily scratch, but obviously not you, is how much the VALUE of my overall stock position has gone up. By “value” I mean NPV not the share price the market assigns. I find the comment you made to be full of DECEPTION but I have witnessed and have accepted that this is something that you just have to do because that anger itch is much stronger than your desire to shoot straight with the investors that rely upon your comments as being unbiased. I know this just as I know that Les’s timing predictions are seldom accurate. BUT THAT’S OK BECAUSE I’M AN ADULT AND I KNOW THIS TO BE THE CASE. I find no need to regurgitate it on a daily basis. When I lock horns with somebody, I like to sit down and find out exactly where we disagree otherwise it has a tendency to consume me.

I gave a talk many years ago to a group of lawyers and economists in Houston when I was employed by a law firm there to train their lawyers on the securities laws related to abusive naked short selling crimes. I remember it because I had the good fortune to meet face to face with a 91 year old attorney that happened to have filed the very first 10 b-5 fraud case in the U.S. Rule 10 b-5 specifically deems it UNLAWFUL to engage in any act of DECEPTION in conjunction with the purchase or sale of securities. The associated case law often deals with specific incidences where there is a specific “pattern of behavior” involving DECEPTION.

Recently you witnessed some selling. At first you said that’s Les Price selling. Then the story became that its not only Les Price but he’s actually ILLEGALLY selling RESTRICTED shares. Why was it illegal? You told us that he was not filing the forms that an insider needs to file if they are a 5% owner of shares. You told us that Les had been doing this ILLEGAL selling since September. Later the story became that Claro too was ILLEGALLY selling RESTRICTED shares without filing the appropriate forms. Then you told us that Medinah’s BOD has been doing this all along. Your certainty level was its usual 100%.

Let’s slow down a bit and review the TRUTH that somebody not needing to scratch an “anger itch” on a daily basis might say. First of all, there is no 5% ownership laws demanding the filing of any forms. There is a 10% law BUT IT ONLY APPLIES TO CORPORATIONS REQUIRED TO REPORT TO THE SEC UNDER THE TERMS OF SECTIONS 12 AND 15 OF THE '34 SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT. These are SEC Forms 3 (initial),4 (any changes in beneficial ownership) and 5 (late reporting of a Form 4) that are supposed to be filed. Medinah is NOT one of these “SEC FILING” corporations. As an OTCMarkets Pink Sheet company “current” with the “alternative reporting requirements” Medinah disseminates public information by filing 211 (a)(5) reports accompanied by an “attorney’s letter”. There are 9,800 companies trading on the OTCMarkets. The reporting requirements of SEC registered issuers involving 10 Q’s and 10 K’s are vastly different than 211(a)(5). BUT WE KNEW THAT OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT BEFORE BUYING OUR FIRST SHARES.

Thus there are no 5% ownership “filing requirements” for Medinah affiliates/control persons nor are there any 10% requirements to file Forms 3,4 or 5. Further, as far as Les allegedly ILLEGALLY selling RESTRICTED shares there is no way you or anyone else can detect the sale of RESTRICTED securities in our markets. If your allegation is true, this would involve the COMPLICITY of Medinah’s Transfer Agent (for illegally removing restrictive legends)and their Corporate Counsel for falsifying the attorneys letter needed to remove a restrictive legend.

John, your pattern of DECEPTION in these matters is so clear that you must, as an investment professional subject to all kinds of codes of conduct, realize this. Recently you engaged in a campaign to solicit funds from Medinah shareholders in order to pay the legal expenses to audit the sale of shares of insiders that you already informed us in a declarative fashion have been going on. Did the cart accidentally get in front of the horse? To my knowledge and that of several of my colleagues, there is no legal theory available to compel compliance with such a demand. Who’s going to tell the donors?

You made the suggestion that the results of this campaign might even end up in Les Price being forced into the open market to buy REGISTERED securities and it might even result in Les going bankrupt. Notice the scratching of that “anger itch”. Shouldn’t you pay the legal expenses involved in seeing if your assertions of ILLEGAL behavior are true or not and shouldn’t the results of any such audit antecede your accusations. John, you just can’t engage in DECEPTION like this in conjunction with the purchase and sale of securities of issuers whether “registered” with the SEC or not. The same goes for soliciting the funds of others under false pretenses. That’s why 10b-5 is called the “omnibus anti-fraud” rule.

I think it’s time you came clean with the forum participants that have been making buy/sell decisions based on your allegations. I would include the legal issues involving your family and Medinah as a starter in order to provide some context to your behavior. Why do I request this? It’s because your actions have put me into an ethical “no man’s land”. My faith does not allow me to engage in the type of behavior you have undertaken. I brought your Dad into this deal. He has the exact same tempermant that you have. He made the exact same accusations you are now making and in a similar fashion. Medinah had no choice but to handle it in a legal fashion. In a derivative fashion, I am responsible for your behavior and your Dad’s which bothers me a lot. You brought this upon yourself, not me. What’s amazing to me is that even knowing that management is transitioning out you actually have accelerated your campaign. One question I have for you is don’t the clients that you put into this deal have recourse to recoup any investment funds lost when the party that suggested the investment has done everything in their power to crush the invested in company due to personal family issues?

Not a great place to currently “park” your money given that everything else in precious metals is ripping…but

Actually 95% of gold and silver miners are at their yearly and all time lows even though gold is over 2000.00. Hopefully they will break out when gold breaks the 2200.00, but for the time being they are not ripping…


Should we address the Elephant In The Room with your post, baldy? You say that you found BB’s “illuminating post” from 2015. Did you not realize that you presented a personal letter (BB to you) from about 8 years ago? That was not an open post for everyone to read. It’s a personal letter that touches on personal things about you & your father, which explains why you were once very angry with BB. He has since apologized to you a few times, which you never acknowledge.

But here you are, 8 years later, still conjuring up this perceived horrible injury which only proves you’ve been harboring this anger . t h e . w h o l e . t i m e. You’ve been fabricating so many accusations about BB for so long that you’ve acquired a taste for it. Based on your own words, it’s clear that you enjoy making nearly every one of your posts include an accusation against BB.

So 1 trade so far 10,000 shares @ .0007. What kind of games are these??

If you own a gold stock that hasn’t ripped over the past two months, you’re in the wrong stocks. I’m aware that the GDXJ was closer to $160 the last time gold was at these levels (2011) vs. $39 today but it was at $30 last month. If the larger producers are “ripping” 30% the higher beta small caps are generally up considerably more.

NEM biggest gold miner…

has done nothing amongst other top miners like Gold (Barrick). The industry stocks 95% are in the shitter, no doubt about it!!!


I’m starting to understand why you cling on to BB’s every post. You don’t even understand how to access archived contributions. That wasn’t a personal letter it was a public post. You’re an editor, right?

To your point, I could care less about BB’s personal attacks, the point of sharing this post was to highlight BB’s defense of what was a pretty obvious fraud. You asked for me to “point out any one of my specific claims against BB”. I have 100’s more but, considering you can’t even understand the context of what I’m posting (for your benefit) nor have a basic nderstanding of how to access archived posts, its pretty clear you are going to suffer the same fate as BBs previous “flock.”

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Sorry, but it’s apparent that you don’t have the capacity to understand much about me, or others. If you read my post to BB, then it should have been clear what I inquired about …

That meant any of the false claims you’ve made against BB over the past year or two about him falsely promoting the stocks (MDMN or AUMC), which is far from the truth. I’m not going to go digging thru any archives, cuz I already know what’s true. That’s your job if that’s what you want to do, don’t push that off on me. It’s funny how you try to claim that I don’t know how to access archives, lmao! It’s also demented.

Oh baldy, you are such a hopeless distorter of the truth. BB always includes the disclaimer that it’s a possible outcome, not a matter of fact. My question doesn’t include your personal grudges from 2015, which you’ve been harboring for at least a decade.

Baldy, you are skilled at deflection, if that’s what you wanna hear. But if you want to plaster accusations against BB claiming that he makes false “pie-in-the-sky” projections, then you need to quote him accordingly, which is unlikely. If you make the claim (or quote him) while ignoring his disclaimer, then it’s obvious that you’re just trying to slander him.

And yes, I am an editor. Your sentence above is incorrect. It should read, “I couldn’t care less.” And it wasn’t BB’s attacks, the personal attacks were all yours.

By the way: Happy Winter Solstice & Merry Xmas!

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Gee, a longer novel than BB.
This is getting ridiculous by both of you.
It’s a piggy bank investment and hope it break-evens or I get a windfall and get lucky at this point. Price of gold? Yes, highly dependent on this and this is where I am most hopeful. :pray:



The winter solstice marks the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. Incidentally, it also marks the longest read of the year here! lol. zzz

Let’s see if MC gives us an early Christmas present and release the quarter update sooner

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My personal opinion these quarterly updates just won’t cut it anymore. Maurizio needs to ink some kind of a deal (financing JV, etc…) with another company and deliver some blockbuster news. Only then will the SP move north. Someone unloaded 25k + shares and AUMC is down 48% at .18. The few here are selling and moving on as the time line has become ridiculous, both stocks are in the pits because of this. I am not trying to be negative but realistic and logical.