Cerro/Medinah/Auryn- 2018 Q2 General Discussion ⛰

At least we’ve moved past the point where law suits brought the PPS crashing down. The time frame that was expected to settle these lawsuits was necessary. The damage done definitely created more difficulties than expected. Oh for the good 'ol days when information from AURYN flowed freely. A lot of good reading and information from the following thread (link) for those that are bored watching the paint dry or haven’t reread it in the past year:

Continuing the discussion from October 1st, 2016 Informational Meeting News:

There were a lot of good comments at the 2016 Informational meeting from shareholders that attended and those that joined in from afar. Are we still moving towards the scenario suggested by CHG?

Because the PPS has been severely impacted the strategy forward has definitely changed after seeing the damage accompanying the law suits. Distributing shares to individual shareholders, “consolidating the capital structure, changing the name of the company, and moving to a higher exchange or tier on the OTC” is a goal of utmost importance before there can be a credibility boost from any news attracting new shareholders.

With the present share structure and history witnessed by shareholders over the years there is no enthusiasm for management to put any promotion based on news. Apparently, it appears placating present shareholders is low on the priority list until we move forward with properly getting all shareholders under one ticker. Putting the share structure back to a more attractive number worthy of investment will make news more effective in bringing in new investors. A move in this direction will restore liquidity for those invested here, IMO.