MDMN - 2016-03-14 Weekly Discussion

Baboon never makes any sense. All is fine in his fantasy world. If the stock goes up great. If it goes down great. If it takes another 5 years great. More time to accumulate stock. And of course, he is positive that one day he will be handsomely rewarded for his patience and investment. It just gets old, when we are losing our asses for so long, and there continues to be selling pressure that could put us close to .01. But that’s good…Right Baboon???


Hey, it is what it is. Nothing to get riled up about. It is just an investment. And our only choices are Buy, Sell or Hold. So if one likes the Mountain and feels it will get monetized via MDMN’s relationship (contract) with Auryn. Then to continue to accumulate shares down at these prices makes good investment sense to me. Everyone makes their own choices.

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I don’t think one person’s opinion has changed on this board in the last 6 years that I’ve read this board. Every day the same posters post the exact same thing. It is their opinions speculations etc… There have been only two real changes that I’ve seen. One when Auryn signed the contract with MDMN and the second when Auryn purchased Nucco Fortuna Caren. Due to those two events, more people are feeling more positive about MDMN’s future then at almost any other time since the done done done proclamation that you mentioned.

I know I’ve been in a minority here supporting our Managements ability to bring a deal to the table and see it through to closing. But that is how I’ve felt and believed all along. And it appears we are closer then ever to that happening.

I think it’s fortunate for many now who get to discuss the terms that our closing will look like as opposed to whether there will ever be a closing. I think it’s a time where all can now look forward to the bright possibilities that may await us being MDMN shareholder’s. Hoping you too can find the pleasure in it someday.


Does anyone have thoughts on what’s happening with the price of gold?


You may be right. However having friends ask if this is ever going to go up I can answer most assuredly, from where it is now. Of course of the two people who ask regularly and do not participate here they have buy in points of .10 and .12 respectively. Now, will this POS ridiculous stock ever get there? Who knows, but the whole story is messed up and you and everyone else cannot guarantee half of those numbers…so &^ and $^%&

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Another block at the ask .0138 545000

Allow me to offer an alternative view.

In 2012 we had a pps of .16 and the Ulander deal was done done done with $180M set to land. This was a monumental screw from this BOD that set us back YEARS.

Yes the pps was $0.16. But it was completely pump & dump related based on penny stock momentum traders during a very bullish move in commodities. The facts you’re unaware of is that the Ulander deal was a complete farce. Because you are unaware of the contract you don’t realize that we were never going to get $180 million. It was a 10 year contract and the $180 million was to be paid in years 4 through 10 out of production.

Since that time we have been assured that there they would never accept a deal WITHOUT upfront CASH DOWN. Now AMC walks along and gives us ZERO cash down and locks up EXCLUSIVITY for 3 YEARS! This $100M owed in CASH was 3 full years out from the signing and NOT GUARANTEED! Yea they spent money on exploration, drilling, and development but they have not paid ANY CASH DOWN. You are talking about dividends in a couple of years. That is 6 full YEARS from the 2012 done done done agm! Six years of CASH we never got to see is LOST VALUE (time value of money!).

I don’t know who assured you have such, but I’ve never been assured of that. Also, it’s an option agreement. Please broaden your view of the sector. Look at other deals and then come back and tell me the ADL claims are worth $100 million and 15% of the rest of AMC in this environment given MDMN’s position in the marketplace and the work done to date on the claims. Show me the comps? You cannot. That is what Baldy and CHG have been saying all along when they post the other deals that are going on. We’re not worth very much at this point.

You are spot on if you say JJ absolutely screwed himself and everyone else because of his incompetence in walking from a completely legitimate and acceptable deal from Volcan to take the like of Ulander. There’s no question he cost many of us millions. This would have been in serious cash flow already and the porphyry likely sold off by now. But that’s water under the bridge. What you don’t realize is THE REST OF THE WORLD doesn’t give a crap about your (or my) cost basis, how long it’s taken, or how much you could have had if it was done right. It only cares about where is it today and what it’s worth to them right now.

Frankly, we’re very fortunate that MASGLAS / AMC owns the land they do in the Caren because they know its value. We’re fortunate that they and associates probably own 20% of MDMN at an average price over $0.07 and aren’t willing to walk away from it. And we’re fortunate that they appear to be quite honorable business people. Otherwise you and I would likely be looking at a LOT WORSE situation.

Whose the stupid ones here? Is Claro stupid for dumping from .10 all the way down to .02? He looks pretty smart right now! He’s enjoying his money! We could be dead in 2 years! Then with your interest on AMC (a private company) you have more uncertainty to ever get dividends! Plus a real possibility of alot of dilution! Not only did noone in the circus show bother to get paid cash for the tickets, they let the little donkey claro go out on his own and sell his own stash of tickets without notifying the rest of us! AMC is quite content wit all of the shenanigans! They seem to be benefiting quite nicely from all these Medinah screw ups! And they aren’t losing sleep over mdmn pps like some of us are!

The price is $0.013. Go ahead take it. I don’t care about Claro or anyone else dumping whenever they did. I didn’t so here I am trying to figure out what is the best path forward. Regarding your comments about AMC, I think you’re wrong and have no basis for those remarks.

You need to keep in perspective that a payment in some amount of cash must be allocated to shareholders! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They just locked up Fortuna and LDM with NO CASH. How is it their CASH is used to increase their NPV and de-risk their investment while our investment is being pillaged and looted day in and day out?

I think you are the one lacking perspective. You simply don’t recognize how bad of a position we are in and how the only way to de-risk OUR INVESTMENT in MDMN is to close this as soon as possible. Close a deal and their cash increases OUR NPV. Don’t close a deal and their exploration and production does nothing for us until an option is exercised. And all that time you and I get screwed more BIG TIME because MDMN continues to rack up expenses and has NO WAY of raising money other than lots and lots more shares.

We continue to have this discussion and end up in the same place. Please realize this . . . nobody cares one bit about what you, me, or anyone else feels we’re owed because of how poorly this company has been run for 15 years and how unfairly the common shareholder has or hasn’t been treated. Anyone looking at this today evaluates it on what is in front of them right now.

That’s my $0.013 cents. You probably disagree with it, but that is reality – at least from my perspective. :smile:


I had a large order (500,000 shares) in for MDWCQ @$0.0021, good for a week.

I noticed I got a fill first day of 5,000 shares.

Second day 1,000 shares.

Third day 10 shares.

What I didn’t notice on my fills was that I was charged commission on each trade. 3 x $9.95 US$

These MM’s are a piece of work !

$9.95 commission on a trade worth 2 cents !!! (third day)

By the way my broker cancelled 2 of the commissions after I called.


Obviously they were. After all AMC owns 210 Million shares

On a side note our big buyer from a month ago isn’t to happy looking at a loss of over $900,000

Hey Rod…The multiple commission structure is pretty common. It you have multiple fills within a day, it will only be one commision. If it goes to another day, even with multiple fills, you will have another commission. And so on. You can always circumvent this by put an all or nothing order in (AON) I always use that, when buying or selling any penny stock, including mdmn. I hope this helps…

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I’ve got a question for you to answer, if you can. All I ask is that you answer it using common sense and/or first hand knowledge.

First, please understand that I’m not trying to say he did or did not sale those shares but, looking at the charts, it would appear that the majority of those shares were sold between 2.1 and 3.7 cents. It appears that the average sale price would be closer to the mid 2 cent area but there is little chance for anyone, other than the seller, to know what that price is for certain. (Stay with me, I working toward the question.)

Most everyone agrees that Auryn has made many attempts to purchase Claro’s shares directly from him. It appears that Auryn has had several meeting with him and JJ (or their representatives) to encourage the selling of these shares to Auryn.

While no one here knows at what price Auryn has offered or the price that JJ or Claro have demanded, I don’t recall anyone here honestly suggesting that Auryn had offered anything less than 8 cents. While I’m not one that truly believes that Auryn offered less than 8 cents per share, for the sake of this discussion, let’s say Auryn offered 6 cents for any or all of the 350 million shares. (We do know that they got at least 60 million of them.)

Now the question.

Why would anyone who is being offered 6 cents, or more, per share be deliberately selling tens of millions of shares at prices averaging some where between 4 cents and 2 cents?

Is there any statement by AMC showing they still own 210 million shares? It is my opinion that AMC could be selling there stock to keep the price down low to scare shareholders. If we are looking to received dividends from Auryn in the future, what benefit do they have to own MDMN as plans of a TO might be off the table because of all the BS?

L&G, in the OTC, after 90 days of no involvement with a company, you are no longer classified as an insider.

I do agree with Wiz, but I would say that Les has done a spectacular job of feeding bs to keep everyone interested. On the old board, forget his name, Ray something, he would send emails to Les with several questions and les would reply. And yes, Les stated in an email, no deal without upfront cash. The whole lot of them are cancer.