Look at the previous suggestions I posted about moving forward. It makes sense. MDMN is a 25% shareholder of AMC. Anyone who owns 25% of the shares of another company should have board representation.
I suggested this to AMC and they agreed. In fact, it was already in their plans whether or not MDMN asked for it. This is how responsible, transparent companies do business. MDMN should have visibility into AMC through board representation. If I had 25% of a company I’d certainly insist on representation.
We (non-insider affiliated shareholders) own far more than 25% of the outstanding. For the next meeting we should insist that we select and vote on at least one possibly two board members outside of Greg, Vittal, and Gary. We need to make it clear to the BOD that they need to file the appropriate paperwork for this upcoming shareholder meeting so that proxies are properly handled by brokerage firms and shareholders are allowed to vote their street shares. Every legitimate company does it that way. The only companies I’ve invested in that haven’t is MDMN and CDCH. Enough of the stinky pinky BS.
Every time MDMN has had a meeting they have never really let the shareholders vote. This meeting will not begin like the last one with Bob Hackney saying any discussion or vote is perfunctory because the current BOD is voting the omnibus certificate.
::: Below is a link to the previous post with my personal views of how we needed to move forward. :::