Cerro/Medinah/Auryn- 2018 Q2 General Discussion ⛰

lol - Thanks for the good humor you bring to the conversation Rich.
I totally agree that life is good and have trust that the current management intends to make good on things. There is no disagreement that the current situation is what it is. Only time will tell if AURYN can salvage something from the crappy situation we all were left with. I know from the Informational Meeting we have real miners making an honest effort to extract whatever value can be exploited from the ALTO. I especially recall a post by a shareholder I met at the meeting that perfectly expressed the thoughts of many of us that were present:

There was an extraordinary amount of information conveyed in a relatively short period of time yesterday (the morning session was just two hours, the afternoon session about two and a half). Even if you were there, it was probably impossible (especially for someone like me, with no business, legal, or mining background) to absorb it all or to tell what was important or what threads to follow or even think about. Whackamole comes to mind. Snippets from the meeting kept popping into my mind on the flight home, and during my restless sleep.
Perhaps the most important thing that I don’t see reported on this site was that the newly-hired lawyers have said (and this was emphasized repeatedly) that this share mess (the Les Price bombshell) will not get resolved quickly. “This will not be over in six months!” That assertion was made repeatedly. Wizard and Goodin said that on Friday the lawyers said (repeatedly) that it would take “a minimum of 18 months” before any sort of conclusion might be reached. A time frame of “18 to 24 months” was (repeatedly) referred to as being perhaps the best case scenario. But every discussion of time-frame was always followed by the observation that there was no way to tell — the investigation has barely begun, and there is no way to tell where it will go or what further entanglements might be uncovered along the way. Plus, Medinah needs to figure out how to pay all the many hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees — or perhaps millions! (And Maurizio was clear — this is not Auryn’s job, it is Medinah’s job.)
Bottom line: Even if the mountain blows us away in good ways, even if money does start to flow in to Medinah from Auryn distributions, no one is expecting this share mess to sort itself out until at the earliestsometime in 2018.
I found that sobering. And I’m not sure (and no one at the meeting was speculating) about what implications this has for Medinah’s stock price. But no one at the meeting was calling this a “buying opportunity” or was recommending loading up. Everyone was excited by the geology reports, but everyone was also, it seemed to me, advising that we go into hunker-down mode in our expectations of any upward movement in the stock price any time soon.
Again, it was a relief to have Les, finally, so completely exposed, and the news from the mountain was euphoric, but I found the share mess details absolutely sobering (and far, far, far from resolved), and I do not think I was the only one.
— madmen (brad)

Thanks for your original impressions after the meeting, Brad. Hope you don’t mind me re-posting it. We are definitely in hunkering down mode awaiting some kind of valuation to be assigned to the minerals in the ground. I expect much of the valuation will ultimately be based on what the evaluation by Dr. Sillitoe provided to management. There is every indication from the management team that was brought on board that the company is optimistic that the ALTO can be profitably exploited. As a shareholder I tend to share that optimism.


Expomin 2018: Chile’s hosts Latin America’s largest mining fair

  • Santiago Times

That was definitely worth a re-post imo. Thanks Easy.


I don’t know what is happening here.

You should all recall that there was an informational meeting back in (I think) October, 2016. They were talking about initial grades at the Caren vein being 150 grams per ton, and some showings of over 200 grams per ton. The mystery was whether these grades continued with depth or whether they increased/decreased. They were going to do some quick drilling to figure this out. They were also negotiating with Freeport (and another, even larger, major) for a JV on the Pegaso Negro (“this could happen fast”).

In fact, shortly after the informational meetings (October, 2016), one of our beloved shareholders, Cornhusker, wrote:

“So 2017 looks like a production startup/legal investigation year. There is plenty of potential for good developments out of the mountain though during 2017, including a JV with a major for the PN. After that, 2018 and beyond it seems quite reasonable to be thinking that distributions/dividends could occur if the mountain continues to give off those good vibrations.”

At the informational meeting, Maurizio stated that even with the projected a limited 5,000 ounces in 2016 and 25,000 ounces in 2017, because the grades were so high MDMN could become a mid-tier mining company right out of the box. And, as Cornhusker noted, this does not even include the Fortuna or Merlin 2/3/etc.

Then, all of a sudden, nothing happened - and on top of that, radio silence.

We were on the precipice of PRODUCTION, no less. And, from prior experience with other mining investments, I know that it does not take a YEAR to negotiate a JV.

Something profound, good or bad, must have happened, or is happening, behind the scenes.

Because the Auryn folks actually invested cold, hard cash in MDMN and I think have a cost basis of somewhere between 5 and 10 cents per share, I don’t think they are intent on allowing our mountain to go un-monetized. I also don’t believe they are intentionally allowing the share price to swirl down low so they can invest even more.

But, it sure would be nice to get an answer to … WHAT HAPPENED?


We have used the Aurelian example from years past as a loose comparison. All of the data that was published told the story. World Class Deposit! I f I recall, the cone of silence befell Aurelian for a LONG while, until BAM! Info flood and immediate buyout from a mid-tier. That was at least 8 years ago. That deposit is just NOW in production.

Nonetheless, my guess is there won’t be much activity until the Chilean spring (Sept) and I’m prepared for that. #sharesindrawer

Perhaps someone can clarify my assumptions on this. From the quotes below, Cerro bought AURYN’s land holdings, not AURYN.

AND - Since Medinah owned 23.6% of AURYN, how could it sell it’s land holdings without compensation to (or permission of) Medinah ?

I realize that if Cerro bought AURYN (the company) then it will get 23.6% of the 6.65B shares, but that is not what the wording says !

The wording says - that Cerro owns 100% of the mining claims. AURYN owns 6.65B shares of Cerro. Medinah owns 23.6% of Auryn.

In December of 2017 AURYN sold 100% of its Altos de Lipangue Mining District holdings to Cerro Dorado, Inc. As a minority shareholder in AURYN, Medinah’s rights are limited. Medinah is responsible for its pro-rata share of AURYN’s capital costs and Medinah’s ownership in AURYN is subject to dilution should Medinah not be able to meet any cash calls.

Medinah has no business operations other than owning a 23.559% equity stake in AURYN Mining Chile SpA (AURYN) and smaller stakes in two additional public companies. AURYN is a private Chilean mining company that owned 100% of the Altos de Lipangue Mining District.

"The Company authorized, but did not issue until 1st Quarter 2018, 6,650,000,000 shares of
common stock related to the acquisition of the remaining 95% of the mining claims held by Auryn
Mining Chile, SpA."

“As of March 31, 2018, there were 7,000,000,000 shares issued”

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Ah, to be quoted… Is there a higher aspiration for a writer?


— madmen (Brad Newsham)


Pretty amazing that, even at these levels, the “consolidated” CDCH has a market cap of $50M with 7B shares outstanding.

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“A time frame of “18 to 24 months” was (repeatedly) referred to as being perhaps the best case scenario.”

Are we there yet? lol

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This sale was put together on paper and announced in Dec, but apparently not finalized until the 1st Qtr. From the Cerro Annual report:

-The Company authorized, but did not issue until 1st Quarter 2018, 500,000 shares of preferred stock to an entity in exchange for providing a loan related to the Company’s retention of its 5% interest in Auryn Mining Chile, SpA.

-The Company authorized, but did not issue until 1st Quarter 2018, 6,650,000,000 shares of common stock related to the acquisition of the remaining 95% of the mining claims held by Auryn Mining Chile, SpA.

No doubt, end of the year reports can be rather confusing as they come out after the 1st quarter. Officially the Annual Report only covers events up to Dec 31 of the previous year. Companies often choose to throw a few things in which were anticipated but completed later in the 1st quarter. From what I see, this delayed Medinah issuing it’s Annual report and certainly impacted CDCH’s financials which we are still awaiting to see. Hopefully, when CDCH gets it together and reviews/releases financials a few things will come together better.

This was true so long as the loans to cover the $1.6M cash call remained on the books. From Medinah’s Annual Report (note 4) the loan mandated all shares of MDMN be held as collateral until the loan was paid in full. Further, the loan stipulated if AURYN sold or transferred shares to another company, which it did to CDCH, that any new shares Medinah receives will serve as collateral for the term of the loan. The timing was confusing which required Medinah to issue two amended Annual reports in attempting to clear up the issue of elimination of debt to AURYN. Medinah eliminated the debt in Q4 2017 by reducing it’s holdings in AURYN. It appears AURYN fully anticipated trading mining claims for shares into Cerro at the time the loan agreement was put together. AURYN had planned this move into a publicly trading company when the loan agreement was drawn up April 15, 2017.

Medinah also fully understood the importance of eliminating the debt prior to the 6.65B shares in CDCH becoming unrestricted to avoid an additional 4% simple interest if the loan remained as collateral. AURYN is working it’s long-term plan to consolidate the capital structure, change the name of the company, and moving to a higher exchange or tier on the OTC, subject to regulatory approval.

Rod you are correct. Cerro bought AURYN’s land holdings … it did not buy AURYN. Let’s just see things continue to move forward without having to look back.

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CDCH → Annual Report - Financials December 31, 2017 - filed today



Thank you for posting this cornhusker

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From the Annual report Note 4 & 6:

As of December 31, 2017 and 2016 the mining concessions are reported at $570,960

The Company has evaluated subsequent events through April 26, 2018, the date which the financial statements were available to be issued, and noted no material subsequent events that would require adjustment in or disclosure to these financial statements as of December 31, 2017.

$570,960 is the value of the mining concessions, not AURYN.

Punch line:

  1. Dec 31, 2016 - Cerro had 5% of Auryn stock which was in exchange for the Fortuna claim and this was estimated at $270K in asset value

  2. Dec 31, 2017 - Cerro had 100% of all the ADL claims that were previously under control of Auryn, including the previously owned Fortuna claim, and these together were estimated at $570K in value.

Until there are formal reserves or cash flows accounting values have very little meaning.

Additionally, Cerro has $21 in cash (yes, “twenty one dollars”), and owes $1210 in accounts payable, perhaps related to these filings.

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[quote=“cornhuskergold, post:159, topic:2247”]
Punch line:
… and owes $1210 in accounts payable

Does that mean we are on the hook for another cash call “loan”? :sweat_smile:
Does filing of the Consolidated Financial Statements for December 31, 2017 and 2016 finally satisfy requirements for eliminating the Yield sign?

I expect that shareholders will hear a great deal from AURYN regarding mining activities and progress after all CDCH shares become unrestricted. The big question is how much will be reported before the 7B shares are all free trading. The additional question I have is when will MDMN report that it has shares in Cerro? As Karl mentioned, this should be accomplished by a simple exchange of shares now that Medinah’s loan from AURYN is satisfied. This will be announced since it is an important and significant event, or await no later than Medinah’s next Quarterly report. Perhaps the exact number of shares MDMN (the corporation) is to receive has not been determined.
I would also like to hear a Declaration date for shareholders.

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So we were waiting all this time for 21.00 cash and 1210.00 in iou’s, wow! A 10 year old would of done this faster!


Hmm…what is Auryn up to? Went to all the trouble of rolling into Cerro but they let it have only 21 dollars?

Next step, sell a large chunk of Cerro shares to a large investor/major. Cerro needs financing to have even a minimal existence.

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Wow…That annual report sure seems like it took all the oxygen out of the room. Aside from actually filing, are there any positives we can take from it? Where do we stand at this point? Of course any feedback is all speculation…

imo, they are following the plan they have outlined, namely,

  1. Q2, 2018 - they will complete conversion of LP’s 19M CDCH shares to MDMN’s name (https://backend.otcmarkets.com/otcapi/company/financial-report/191075/content - section 6A)

  2. At some point Auryn will buy back MDMN’s 23.559% of Auryn’s shares with CDCH shares now in the possession of Auryn.

  3. There will be a distribution of all CDCH shares in MDMN’s possession (Auryn’s shares, MDMN’s shares, and Les’ shares) to shareholders. This could happen via a dividend process or maybe just by dissolving MDMN and distributing assets to shareholders. It’s possible this waits until the CDCH shares are free-trading (Dec 2018) but that is unclear / uncertain.

  4. After the distribution there will probably be some type of CDCH share consolidation (reduction of the 7B outstanding) & attempt to move CDCH to a higher tier OTC market, probably with a new name etc. This should be the ‘at the latest’ point when a more aggressive news cycle should begin.

  5. Somewhere near the time of #4, there should be news of a JV and/or some type of CDCH funding (selling shares?) to enable exploration and/or Caren mining to begin.

Still a ways to go.



Medinah’s attorney letter for the recent filings, filed with OTC on Friday: