Global Health Effects on Markets and Mining Stock

Correct. And that’s part of the sinister plan. Much of the these divisive issues are stirred up intentionally by the media and corrupt elite. Yet some people fall right into the trap and continue on their tirades on FB and Twitter etc. It’s the divide and conquer MO. Keep the masses confused and bickering amongst one another. Last thing they need is us uniting, God that would be a scary day for them.

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Pogo 1971

Very positive statement Wiz. Leave the partisanship behind.

When we see something that we don’t agree with, what are we supposed to do? Should we just be whistling past the graveyard? Avoid all thoughts and conversations of what we are seeing in the world around us? Just put on your mask and shut up? I can’t and won’t agree to that.

Let’s just listen to all the fear mongers that keep spreading maximum fear with a narrative that we all just need to crawl into a cave and stay isolated. I can’t and won’t agree to that, either. This has been going on far too long.

I’m reminded by mrbubba’s post about the removal of Dr. Robert Malone - co-inventor of the mRNA vaccines. It’s not just a problem in our country, it’s global. There’s a long list of articles on disagreements between scientists and those choosing to censor from the very beginning over the past year or two. These conversations are quickly forgotten as those speaking out are silenced. People should look back at the history of what has systematically been occurring under the guise of misinformation by the self appointed “official factcheckers” - here are just a few:

YouTube, Facebook split on removal of doctors' viral coronavirus videos

World's top scientists facing fame, scorn – DW – 04/30/2020

Chinese Whistleblowers Who Spoke About Coronavirus Have Vanished, Died

Let's hear scientists with different Covid-19 views, not attack them - STAT

Life insurance company reporting deaths have increased by 40% in the 18 to 64 age group(compared to previous pre-pandemic level); much of the deaths are occurring long after COVID infection/recovery.

Lot of this likely related to blood clotting causing strokes/heart attacks etc later.

One test they use to determine blood clotting risk is the D-Dimer blood test.(D-Dimer Test: What It Is and How It Works )

First reports is that Omicron cases have ridiculous D-Dimer blood test results even compared to the Delta Variant-not good. (Here is example, “Erin, from a lab perspective, our Omicron cases have had D-Dimer levels off the charts…I’m talking so high that the instrument cannot report a result. Previously, with Delta, we saw D-Dimers that required running in extended mode, but we were able to get results. Not now…” ) Can we then conclude that we should expect a huge increase in death following the Omicron wave? Scary thought. Yes…keep up your optimism as you are going to need it to get through 2022.

You don’t have to believe the spin on everything you see “in the news” of the day.
There is news, and also news based soundly in science.

Life insurance companies sound DEATH ALERT warnings over nearly 100,000 excess deaths per month happening right now in the USA

(Natural News) There are nearly 100,000 excess deaths happening per month in the USA right now, according to life insurance companies that are sounding the alarm over what Dr. Robert Malone calls a “mass casualty event” that’s unfolding due to covid vaccines.

Don’t miss the embedded links to sources. You don’t need to believe everything, but you do owe it to yourself and those near to you to check it out!

In case you missed the “links” already posted:

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

By Margaret Menge | The Center Square contributor Jan 1, 2022 

An article published by The Center Square (Indiana) reveals how Scott Davison, CEO of OneAmerica (a life insurance company) is sounding the alarm over a 40% increase in total deaths among Americans aged 18 to 64 (i.e. working-aged Americans):

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.

“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”

There are several critical points to understand here:

  1. The data being quoted by CEO Scott Davison are third quarter data from 2021. The numbers will be far worse in the fourth quarter because vaccine immune system damage worsens over time.
  2. These deaths are not being classified as covid-19 deaths. They are deaths from other causes, according to medical records: Cancer, autoimmune disorders, heart attacks, strokes, etc. These are largely adverse reactions from covid vaccines, of course, as the FDA has long known. (See page 16 of this FDA document from 2020, where it lists all the suspected side effects of covid vaccines, including death.)
  3. If a 10% increase in deaths is a three-sigma event, a 40% increase is something higher than a twelve-sigma event (it’s not a linear relationship)… meaning this is not mere coincidence. There is a common cause behind these deaths. That cause, of course, is covid vaccines, which we have concluded are depopulation bioweapons .
  4. Life insurance companies are facing financial collapse as this trend continues (which it will). They will soon need a government bailout, and life insurance rates being charged to employees will skyrocket.

Seriously, do you believe that? Even Elon Musk is vaccinated. You would think the richest man in the world would at least know this and not inject poison into himself?! :slight_smile:

Hey Mike how do you Elon Musk is vaccinated? We’re you at his appointment? Or was it in the news your read?

Don’t miss the forest for the trees Mike. The truth unravels very slowly, not just in “knee jerk” fashion. There’s much more to the “true” story that is slowly coming out. Do you really trust China? Who is accountable for what is happening globally and why? Perhaps it’s in the new book that’s out, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) that will explain it. I don’t know, I haven’t read it yet, but you might want to start with this:

By October 2013, the Wuhan Institute of Virology 1 coronavirus S1 spike protein was described in NIAID’s funded work in China. This work involved NIAID, USAID, and Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance. This work, funded under R01AI079231, was pivotal in isolating and manipulating viral fragments selected from sites across China which contained high risk for severe human response.10

By March 2015, both the virulence of the S1 spike protein and the ACE II receptor was known to present a considerable risk to human health. NIAID, EcoHealth Alliance and numerous researchers lamented the fact that the public was not sufficiently concerned about coronavirus to adequately fund their desired research.11

Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance offered the following assessment:

“Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.”11


Through non-competitive grant awards to UNC Chapel Hill’s Ralph Baric, to selection of the Bio-Safety Level 4 laboratory locations, to the setting of prices for Remdesivir and mRNA therapies from Moderna and Pfizer, NIAID, CDC, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have been involved in allocating Federal funds to conspiring parties without independent review.

Around March 12, 2020, in an effort to enrich their own economic interests by way of securing additional funding from both Federal and Foundation actors, the CDC and NIAID’s Dr Fauci elected to suspend testing and classify COVID-19 by capricious symptom presentation alone. Forcing the public to rely on The COVID Tracking Project – funded by the Bloomberg, Zuckerberg and Gates Foundation and presented by a media outlet (The Atlantic) – not a public health agency – Dr. Fauci used fraudulent testing technology (RT-PCR) to conflate “COVID cases” with positive PCR tests in the living while insisting that COVID deaths be counted by symptoms alone. This perpetuated a market demand for his desired vaccine agenda which was recited by him and his conspiring parties around the world until the present. Not surprisingly, this was necessitated by the apparent fall in cases that constituted Dr. Fauci’s and others’ criteria for depriving citizens of their 1st Amendment rights.

10 Ge, XY., Li, JL., Yang, XL. et al. Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor. Nature 503, 535–538 (2013).
11 Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation; Forum on
Microbial Threats; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Board on Global Health; Institute of Medicine; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine. Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities Through Ongoing Public- and
Private-Sector Partnerships: Workshop Summary. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2016 Feb 12. 6, Developing MCMs for
Coronaviruses. Available from: Developing MCMs for Coronaviruses - Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases - NCBI Bookshelf

Oh, and speaking of false narratives, declaring this is a crisis of the unvaccinated when science keeps telling us it is not. Omicron is definitely spreading at a rate faster than anything we’ve seen before. Why are studies showing that omicron reinfections in the vaccinated are more than, or close to, twice as likely as an infection in the unvaccinated (already posted).
Has anyone noticed to the preference of using the terms “the jab” or “the shot” over vaccination? Is fear and confusion being used primarily for control of the message.

I may have inadvertently used the Atlantic as a source for a couple of my two more recent posts.
I am always surprised by what further looking reveals. I was so right when I said various sources give different answers. I was just not aware of the early patent and funding trail that leads to Wuhan and then back to corporate America and the media. We’ve all heard of Democracy, and even Meritocracy. How many have heard of Corporatocracy?

He announced it himself. He also had his family vaccinated.

Corporations are all about keeping the masses working and the profits flowing. Having all the workers die from getting vaccinated or otherwise being too sick to work or purchase goods isn’t in their best interests. Hence all their strong objections about lockdowns or anything that keeps workers not working. It is true that pharmaceutical companies tend to make products that help but don’t actually cure a particular disease and make you come back for more but that is predictable and just good business sense.

Well, not quite. That’s quite an original spin, Mike. I think you could do better. I usually like placing some attribution to source material when I post something as opinion. I usually use Wiki as a 1st glance for information, but find the links frequently have content removed or changed. I rarely use it as a final source of authority due to frequent removals and rewrites that disappear and are rewritten or not included. Just this once I’ll use it with links so information can be further looked at, for now. So, here’s a quick look at a couple of definitions. To be sure, there are books written on the subject of Corporatocracy.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Corporatocracy (/ˌkɔːrpərəˈtɒkrəsi/, from corporate and Greek: -κρατία, romanized: -kratía , lit. ‘domination by’; short form corpocracy [1]) is a term used to refer to an economic, political and judicial system controlled by corporations or corporate interests.[2]

The concept has been used in explanations of bank bailouts, excessive pay for CEOs, as well as complaints such as the exploitation of national treasuries, people, and natural resources.[3] It has been used by critics of globalization,[4] sometimes in conjunction with criticism of the World Bank[5] or unfair lending practices,[3] as well as criticism of free trade agreements.[4] Corporate rule is also a common theme in dystopian science-fiction media.


Corporatocracy, not to be confused with Corporatism, is a term used as an economic and political system controlled by corporations or corporate interests. It is a generally pejorative term often used by critics of the current economic situation in a particular country, especially the United States. The term has been used by liberal and left-leaning critics, but also some economic libertarian critics and other political observers across the political spectrum. Economist Jeffrey Sachs described the United States as a corporatocracy in his book The Price of Civilization. He suggested that it arose from four trends: weak national parties and strong political representation of individual districts, the large U.S. military establishment after World War II, big corporate money financing election campaigns, and globalization tilting the balance away from workers. The term was used by author John Perkins in his 2004 book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, where he described corporatocracy as a collective composed of corporations, banks, and governments. This collective is known as what author C Wright Mills would call the Power Elite. The Power Elite are wealthy individuals who hold prominent positions in Corporatocracies. These individuals control the process of determining society’s economic and political policies.


Again you miss the point. George Bush and the CIA said there were WMD’s in Iraq. Fauci said the NIH never funded gain of function research in Wuhan.

So I’ll ask you again, were you with Musk at his appointment?

You are just grasping at straws and you know it. Wear a high quality mask, get vaccinated, and isolate if exposed or if you get sick. It is that simple. There is no need to indulge in conspiracy theories on these straight forward public health measures.

There is no conspiricy. There is fact. There is science. There is censorship and fear of facts and science! Emotion is real, but it is not science, nor is fear rational when based on misinformation.

Well I guess we’ll find out who’s right in the next month or two as we’ll all be exposed to it. Cheers!

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“Well I guess we’ll find out who’s right in the next month or two as we’ll all be exposed to it. Cheers!”

The early data doesn’t look good at all. We already know about the high transmissivity of Omicron. What else?

Omicron being considered by some as “mild” is fake news. (Biden Administration is even in on this…they call everything “mild” unless you land in the hospital.)

Omicron causes systemic vascular disease; not confined to upper airways. It is also severely damaging the endothelium which is the thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels. (Note: Antiviral Paxlovid has risky interactions with blood thinners. But anticoagulation is critical for management of the disease which is unfortunate.) Omicron SARS-CoV-2 has multiple avenues to induce long-term impairment, attacking the brain, heart, lungs, blood, testes, colon, liver, and lymph nodes; likely to cause persistent symptoms in more than half of patients by six months out as is the case with Delta.

It is causing a 5 to 10X increase in hospitalization rate of kids in NYC which is very concerning especially as a parent.

It appears that it may cause prolonged immunodeficiency, that leaves one subject to later bacterial infections. (i.e. Weird things like scarlet fever are cropping up after COVID.)

Hospitals are already full. Medical staff have quit or otherwise sick causing critical care shortages which affects care of all patients; not just COVID patients.

January has all the makings of a good disaster movie that always starts out that the government etc didn’t listen to the scientists.

Mike can you be any more alarmist?


I can try.

U.S. is now at the all time record high for COVID hospitalizations.(Meantime, at the gym…I was the only fool there wearing a mask. We are at the height of the pandemic. No lockdowns, schools/businesses are open, little to no mask restrictions, vaccinations have stalled, human death/misery so common place now it doesn’t matter?)

Not the only fool, President Biden was outside on the beach walking his dog and wearing his mask. I suppose he wanted to be sure he didn’t give anything to Commander! :wink:

Yes, fear is a terrible thing waste! The understaffing due to stupid policies is creating more of a crisis in more than the hospitals. It’s destroying livelihoods, professional lives, businesses and military preparedness. International relations are destroyed after the incompetence displayed while withdrawing from Afghanistan. The super-spreading activity of letting 2M individuals into the country from the Southern Border without regard to testing or vaccinations status is more than stupidity. Get over your hatred of everything you don’t agree with and maybe some of your joy in spreading fear will diminish. JMHO