Medinah Minerals (MDMN) - 2016 Q4- General Discussion

IMO, we have no value to define until legitimate production results start coming out. That should start happening in the next few weeks,
If the results are anything close to what was conveyed as potential at the meeting, it should be a good catalyst.
Granted the share sutuation needs to be resolved but at least we’ll have a 27 percent interest in revenue even though initially will be rolled back into the property.


This scenario has largely been put to rest. The talk was created back in 2005 following the “grandfather clause” when SEC excused the common practice for all transgressions occurring before 2005. The “grandfather clause” was terminated mid-2007. Good to see you back. You have a PM.

Today the New Yorker website posted an article on a Silicon Valley bigwig/innovator/venture-capitalist named Sam Altman, and this quote, from Altman, seemed to me as though it could be our new marketing slogan:

“You want to invest in messy, somewhat broken companies. You can treat the warts on top, and because of the warts the company will be hugely underpriced.”

— madmen (brad)


Cordova at the meeting did say he would like to have the next informational meeting in Santiago Chile so we could see the mountain…I know this is a few years away probably but just stating what he said.

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fwiw, when he said that I am pretty sure he said “next year”. But we’ll see if it plays out that way.


That’s the idea

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Not that it really matters now but just curious, does anybody know what transpired at the Miami meeting AFTER Les was confronted with his scheme? Did he try to run? Lie some more? Apologize? Cry? Get sucker punched (wishful thinking)? Chased to the airport with pitchforks? How did that “gotcha” moment play out?



Should have video taped it and put it on Utube…it would have been Priceless…:wink:


Thanks easy, I copied this post over to the Meeting topic for the archives.

Don’t forget chatting with brecciaboy DOC and Mrs DOC Friday night!


Mike Gold, you’re being strangely quiet…get sucked up in a vortex or what???

I think Mike is on a honeymoon! :hushed:

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Out of country

Yup, Romania is what I heard!
Not expecting a summary from Mike :disappointed:

You haven’t posted here before, have you? Welcome aboard. Did you just register and keep the same moniker from the old freeforums site? If so, I remember you well from the SHM a couple years ago.
You need to start posting more often (otherwise contact a moderator to read your PM)!

I heard that he admitted to forging Chapin signature on documents and then he left the meeting!

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The brief report at the meeting stated publicly that:

Les admitted to changing the share numbers in the e-mails which were sent to him from the TA and then he would forward them on to the BOD

When asked “Why” no clear answer was given

At the Miami meeting, Les would get up and leave the room and come back. This happened repeatedly. Thus it was reported the meeting lasted “hours” with these gaps of activity when Les left the room

The forging of signatures was reported to have been demonstrated not via Les but via documents received from the TA which contained resolutions from the BOD which never happened (e.g. authorizing more shares) and signatures on those documents that had not been signed by the BOD.


WOW. so at some point the meeting ended. with what? “OK, Les, you f’ing crook, see you in court.” or what?? handshakes?? (no pun intended)

and how does the SEC or FINRA or OTC or any U.S. agency have access to Les in Vancouver?

and how GD careless or lazy were the BOD to not actively monitor the share count??? why was it all going through Les anyway?? especially since a prior court ruling CLEARLY indicted him for securities fraud!! how did we collectively miss this??

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I have a feelingI