Auryn/Medinah - 2021 - 2nd Half General Discussion

New videos posted.


That is a nice front loader! They are not messing around “back at it on Monday.”

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Continuing the discussion from Auryn/Medinah - 2021 - 2nd Half General Discussion:

Anyone watching American Gold: The legend of Bear Gulch on Fox Business? It’s about these brothers in Colorado that own severs claims and are following family legend that their father past down.

Now this is what we need- a TV series that tracks the progress of Our mines.

Oh dear lord… Well I guess I could handle the forward progress as long as the last twelve year saga is left out…:laughing:


Well, looks like to me we are processing NEW ore from at least one of the working faces - just like Brecciaboy said, blasting, etc. The interesting thing will be HOW MANY such faces are currently being worked? Can’t wait to find out - and see what the grades to date are.

Management doing what they SAID they will do. Refreshing.


While I love the enthusiasm, I am not reading anything into it at this point.

From the updates we know that the company is going to announce when they hit the Don Luis vein. They view that as a significant / material event. That is where they start the working faces from. I see everything done until that is announced as progress.

They’ve crossed several DL branches per the tweets from last month. All this is good, in my view. Seeing blast preparation, clean-up, and the tunnel extending through mineralized rock is the best “Christmas Card” we have ever received.


Delighted to hear Wiz.
MDMN now trading at a 50% discount to it’s 200:1 ratio with AUMC.
Bargain hunting time!!


This editorial written back in 1897 is just wonderful. The excerpt below reminds me of Christmas for those who can enjoy the wonder and joy of the season.

“Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus”

Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.
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Did anyone notice the Aclara Resources IPO a couple weeks ago and distribution in specie of Common Shares to the holders of ordinary shares of Hochschild Mining?

Aclara Resources Completes Initial Public Offering and Concurrent Private Placement
December 10, 2021
In connection with the Offering, the Company also qualified pursuant to a separate final prospectus dated December 2, 2021 the previously announced distribution in specie of Common Shares to the holders of ordinary shares of Hochschild Mining, as more fully described in the final prospectus in respect of such distribution (the " Demerger Prospectus "), a copy of which is also available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR at

Interesting concerning Hochschild. I’ll assume they’re still on board with the LDM until we hear otherwise. I think they have until December 2023 to slow walk whatever they’re doing there. Are they waiting and watching to see what management is finding and doing with the Don Luis vein?


AUMC just tweeted: AMAZING looking rock


Ore shoot within fault breccia?


What kinds of mineralization do you see here?


Jaded me wants to say fools gold, but I’ll wait for the assay :wink:


If you look at the yellowish particles, you’ll notice that many are spheroidal in nature with a concavity facing upwards. I would think that your 3 most likely choices are gold, pyrite and chalcopyrite. When you’re trying to differentiate gold from the other two you first check the “streak” of the sample on unglazed porcelain by scratching the sample on the porcelain. Gold will give you a yellow “streak”, pyrite a blackish-greenish streak and chalcopyrite greenish-gray streak.

The miners will be carrying “streak plates”, so I’d bet they already know what they’re dealing with. Another things miners will do is to carry a nail or a metal pin with them. Pyrite and chalco- will chip and break off if you apply some pressure. Gold will dent in and leave a dimple like a golf ball. Are those concavities facing upwards the result of the nail/pin test? I have no clue.

Pyrite is famous for showing nice cubic crystals. I don’t see that going on here. What’s interesting is that pyrite/”fool’s gold” is one of the best “indicators” for gold. The gold will hide out in the crystalline lattice sometimes within pyrite crystals. Chalcopyrite is the most common copper ore that is mined. Recall that one of the samples taken from one of those “new veins” found in the Antonino Adit ran at 5.3% copper. That’s pretty strong.

What I would like to know is whether or not these rocks look like the rock found at the junction of Shaft A and Level 2 of the old workings. 18 samples were taken and a bunch came in at over 100 gpt and one came in at 1,220 gpt gold as well as off the chart silver grades. This was an 11-pound sample that averaged over 1,220 gpt. Nugget effect? Who knows?

In the gallery portion of the Auryn website under the Q-4, 2021 heading, photos #21 to 23 showed what appears to be visible gold within a banded quartz vein right along the selvage of the vein(the border with the wall rock) where gold likes to hang out. This new sample looks different but it’s only a couple of meters away from the other good-looking stuff.

What’s reassuring to me is that they’re mining, finding tons of mineralization and the ventilation system is working well without having intersected Shaft 4 of the old workings which is their goal in order to bring in fresh air. When you’re poking around in an area like that along the course of the Antonino Adit, when you least expect it, you’re going to hit an “ore shoot”. This is an area within a vein, fault breccia or shear zone which carries super high-grade gold ore. These can extend for hundreds of meters in various directions. In these areas, everything was just perfect for the deposition of gold in very high concentrations. The temperature and pressure of the hydrothermal fluids had to be just right, the chemistry of the wall rock had to be just right, the salinity of the hydrothermal fluids had to be just right, lots of boiling activity probably occurred, the circulating meteoric waters had to do their thing, the quartz had to be in place to trap the gold, etc.

Kevin, if you’re in touch with management, could you ask them if anybody did a “nail/pin” test or streak test on those samples?


Why would they show it if it wasn’t significant?


Anyone remember this pic years ago when Medinah was attempting to find what was actually at the bottom of hole DM99-02 where the original results showed 99 gpt gold? It was never clearly stated what the results were but the impression was left that this was a rather isolated instance captured here and there were no easy wide spread pickings to be generalized from this spot. This could be called the first modern attempt that was made to find an early production source on the Alto.

It could also be noted that the hole pictured here is some 5500 meters to the SW of where the Auryn picture taken above is.

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Just FYI, I was able to purchase mdmn from TDA, possibly because I already had a holding there. Vanguard refused an order saying no trades under $0.01. Calling (begging) in person might work?

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Saw this on my Twitter Feed and retweeted of course.


Kind of a lull here so I am going to go ahead and start a new topic for 2022.

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