Auryn/Medinah - 2021 - First Half General Discussion 🗓

Brecciaboy just to let you know, I’m going to have to stop reading your postings at work. Human services and the IT cops locked me up for a while? Go figure!
I guess their machines only read the first paragraph… It had to many BUZZ words for them. Abusive, Naked, Shorts, StudMuffin, 4inches thick, crooks, under attack, the mother of crooks, death bead, and the few acronyms imbedded in the posting.
They are especially not fond of acronyms. They think they have have the market on them. Anybody who’s worked with the government knows what I mean there. But do keep posting BBoy. I’ll read them on the boat.


Kevin this has given me some much needed encouragement on my investment. Curious if you mind sharing your cost basis in terms of pps, so that we can gauge where you think this may appreciate to.


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Anybody still think shorting doesn’t happen?
GameStop appears to blow that theory out of the water


www dot shortsqueeze dot com

Membership is about 40.00 per month.

I do remember a few years ago that several influential folks on this board tended to blame some – perhaps even all – of Medinah’s problems on short sellers. Obviously, there are plenty of aggressive short sellers in the larger game. Does anyone still believe that short selling is any sort of factor (or potential factor) in re to our sweet little Medinah?

– madmen

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No, but the education was worth its weight … ummmm … in gold (if I may).

Wouldn’t it be nice if a few months from now our boys announce that they have indeed been producing, albeit at a low level? Maybe that alone vaults us back up to ONE CENT per share?



LP’s actions merely helped them. They do it to all stocks, especially the pinks/otc’s. Every fucking one of them that they can.


Well they are going to have a huge problem if/when AUMC (and ostensibly MDMN) become cash flow positive.


If the efforts that are being attempted through Reddit gain traction and have lasting power, they are going to be utterly screwed… and unfortunately/fortunately it will kill the markets.



I worded my question poorly. I did not see that it could be interpreted both backward and forwards, as – I now see – it so obviously can be.

I do not doubt that in the era of Les Price (and god, what a wonderful unbelievable name that’s going to make in the book and movie versions of Medinah!) short-sellers tormented MDMN, nailed its scrawny body to the corporate cross, threw it spiraling down a mine shaft and left it lying on the bottom for dead – I was always on board with that notion – but now I’m wondering if there’s a viable scenario in which a short squeeze helps trigger the Resurrection and Ascension?

If the Reddit (or some other) crowd hears about a company sitting on a world-class mineral deposit worth untold billions, but which has been beaten into life-support mode by short-sellers (plus other circumstances), well, could there be a more attractive target? A tenth-of-a-penny company backed by more than stick-it-to-the-Man sentiment, a company with something solid behind it? Gold, copper, etc…?

If it was true once upon a time, isn’t it more true than ever on this Game Stop morning?

– madmen


More specifically: Does anyone know if actual vulnerable short-sellers still hold positions in MDMN? Or have they all cashed out long ago?

– madmen

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Leave it to me to backward interpret your post Mad! LOL

No apology necessary. :slight_smile:

And, yes, I think the Reddit crowd would absolutely love the MDMN story… and make sure whoever tells it is very descriptive about the role LP played. He deserves MORE than his share of what would be doled out, and I might even feel compelled to go to Canada and piss in the snow on his lawn in celebration!


I"m saving all the frozen dog phoo from the dog sled yards this winter to put on LPs front door step ablaze next spring. Ö Üüüüüu

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It is my understanding that what typically happens, which is the best case scenario for shorty, is exactly in line with what MDMN is intending to do. Perhaps Doc can straighten me out on this if my understanding is null and void. It comes from when I was more interested and learning close to 20 years ago. Basically, it is pretty safe to assume that if there is a large naked short in MDMN a good portion of it still exists. Since the Aholes can create as many shares out of thin air as they like to keep the price suppressed, they just keep it that way as long as the symbol isn’t representative of a profitable company. If you have ever legally shorted a stock then you know what happens when you make the trade: The shares are sold into the market and, since you made a sale of shares, the cash from the purchase goes into your account. What the Aholes want is for the company to go bankrupt or otherwise fold. Then they never have to cover, and the cash from all their phony sales is sitting right there in their accounts. Nothing at all to do but spend it. If MDMN is intending to dissolve the company, it’s pretty much a best-case scenario for Mr. Shorty Ahole. The downside is, a sizeable number of the dividend shares (AUMC) are going to have to be created out of thin air in the form of naked shorts in order for all MDMN shareholders to get their dividend, so the game will continue with AUMC, although the short position will be much smaller.

So, for the sake of clarity, because MDMN has done nothing to move the share price up, it is likely that any short of the manipulative, dirtball, ahole variety still has their position, patiently waiting for the day the company folds.


Very well stated TR! Since the company, MDMN, is essentially a dark holding company with an impending “divy” of AUMC shares there is nothing to drive the PPS up without some very good news for AUMC, and by association MDMN. To garner interest and momentum there must be a series of events worthy of producing an ever increasing or steady cash flow. I don’t know how many brokerages have the same “rules" as Fidelity, but I can only sell and not buy shares of MDMN! Fidelity will not allow me to buy MDMN shares because it is non-reporting. As I’ve explained before several times over the years, I can only sell, and with shares in both an IRA and ROTH account I just won’t do. Does only being allowed to sell and not buy sound similar to the Pickle embroiling the Robin Hood app recently?

Anyway, if AUMC begins a series of PRs outlining real progress and moves to announcing a small quarterly AU production, will that start to move PPS of AUMC shares? Consequently, would PPS of MDMN also increase? I think it is a definite possibility. What if the “Shorty downside” as outlined by TR above plays out? It would make sense to let this “Shorty downside” scenario play out for a while before AUMC shares are unrestricted and distributed to ALL shareholders, including those made out of thin air. Is this something that is ripe for unfolding? I’d love to see it happen. :slightly_smiling_face:


Aww shucks Easy. Now you got me thinking I might even have a brain… just a little one though!


I think somebody would have to be out of their mind to short MDMN RIGHT NOW. One would have to short a million shares just to make 1,000.00? Then, there’s the risk that this “quiet” little company that’s REPUTEDLY on its deathbed just might wake up and start producing a little bit from the obvious ore it has stockpiled? Too much of a risk.

That being said, there might be some old shorts still hanging around that are banking on NEVER, EVER having to cover if the company goes bankrupt (not sure on that specific point). Maybe they shorted MDMN when it was 15 cents? Not much of a loss if MDMN goes from 1/10 of 1 cent to 3 cents and they have to cover at that point - still a good profit for them.


If there are current shorts on mdmn, you would think the AUMC distribution could cause a squeeze.

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You would think, because there wouldn’t be enough AUMC shares to dividend out to the fake mdmn shares. So do the crooks create fake AUMC shares to cover that as well?

Doc I thinks it time you give us another education lesson.

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Need to ask Jordan Belfort how to play this!!

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