MDMN - 2016-02-08 Weekly Discussion

I’ve read stories about offshore brokers selling short - seems like an “easy” way to make money, as long as you’re willing to “relocate” every once in awhile. Are we sure one of these guys isn’t operating in this instance? Is there a way for Traders to figure out if an offshore entity is doing the trading?

I think it’s more like for those who think we are worth several times $100M we now have our answer as to why…

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I think we should all expect to see this type of selling at certain levels as the share price marches higher…the buying, especially with the tactic of showing large blocks as they have today and yesterday is what is worth discussing…I can come up with dozens of potential sellers but I’m way more interested in who’s doing the buying…It ain’t the London group or any of the other fictitious groups that Les has referred to over the years…


I’m not sure, but I strongly suspect so. One or two people posted here a while back that Claro got himself mixed up with a broker who was using his shares to short the stock. As for your second question, all I can say is that I don’t know how to find out such things. What could be done anyway? You would think that if this is the case then JJ/Claro would be motivated to stop them, but perhaps not. Or, since Auryn never was able to acquire the rest of the shares that they had intended, maybe Claro just said “F U” and has continued selling. I don’t know. The only thing that is quite clear is that there is still someone with a lot of shares and no regard for the stock price unloading into every bit of bid interest.


I agree. It seems like a more productive discussion, especially since we’ve already beat the sell side speculation to a pulp already.

the LSG deal was not for 600k ounces…LSG has significant reserves and was able to generate $50M in FCF last quarter

That was my mistake due the way I posted the deal at first in a misleading way. mea culpa I updated it shortly thereafter.

Interesting five MM sitting on the bid at .0202 and five MM sitting on the ask at .021. it looks like a Mexican stand off! Also once again Etrade sitting at the bid and ask at the same time with size.

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Any ideas who it is?

TR I say it’s Auryn

Seems likely.


It’s not me I can promise you that. It has to be Auryn. Interesting buying style this go round.

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Have not been able to see it for a while, but that 37M share BID is probably still under that 240K CDEL order, at $0.02

Looks like the selling has stopped for the time being. Lets see if those bids move up and take out that .021

Auryn wants to keep the price down until the buy out is signed.
This is manipulation and it is illegal.

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That’s a bunch of hogwash! If AMC wanted to keep the price down, they wouldn’t be putting out the news they’ve been putting out.


When someone begins to write a post like the one above they should probably ask themselves a question before they post the statement.

Do you feel strong enough about that statement to be able to defend it in court?


That’s they have been putting out News so they can enter the market again and start buying. Why push the price up when the seller keeps selling into the BID? No Manipulation here just doing it the right way without breaking insider trading laws. jmo

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People have to realize we are up from $0.015 in just a few days time (almost 40%). Volume is up. We have had no retrace yet and have a 37M share bid just below our current level. Things actually look very good.

IMO there’s a good chance we hit the 200 DMA, exceed it, and then challenge the recent $.0245 high, maybe next week already.