Medinah/Auryn - 2019 - 2nd Quarter General Discussion

I’m assuming that the additional shares stated in :

“Medinah owns 9,950,000 shares of American Sierra Gold Corp (AMNP) and 9,600,000 shares of Cerro Dorado Inc. (CDCH). Through a settlement with Leslie Price, Medinah will own an additional 1,700,000 shares of AMNP and 19,550,000 shares of CDCH which are expected to be converted to Medinah’s name in the Q3 2018.”

are already assigned to Medinah and included in the 29,150,000 (now 291,500) shares owned by Medinah.


I reached out to the new transfer agent to see whether PST kept the office in Salt Lake and changed the name and/or if Patrick Day took a position with their company. Here is the reply I received, FWIW. It is a shame that Patrick and his brother ran their company into the ground. A company that their father spent decades building. I guess it went the way of most penny stocks, as that was their focus.

Thank you for reaching out. Patrick did not desire to stay in the TA business, but will still be available to PST during the transition to assist clients if needed. To answer your other question, yes, ARTCO closed its office and is no longer an active transfer agency. If you wanted to discuss further, or if there is anything we can do to assist you, you can reach out to our COO Billy Miller, who is copied on the email.


How does someone even trade 580 shares for $1.16? Games!
Need this POS mdmn to go away.
Just hope regular updates eluded to in recent communication are more frequent than they have been and that we get AUMC shares promptly.
Glad slime Day brothers are out!!


If I thought I wouldn’t be waiting another 3 months I would be scooping up the .0023 and .0024’s right away but just need a sign LOL


Been too busy to keep up on this. What’s the consensus of what to buy (aumc vs mdmn)? Any good reading on this been posted? I assume I’m not going to be the only one looking into it with things settling into place with Hochschild.

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Personally I would wait until the distribution or exchange has been made to MDMN shareholders and the dust settles. At the present MDMN is selling at a discount of about .001 to AUMC. Will AUMC come down to MDMN price or will MDMN come up to AUMC price. The current trend has been for AUMC to come down to MDMN price since when the exchange of CDCH shares happen for AUMC, AUMC was trading over 1.00 per share and now it is down to about .50, while MDMN has remained about the same in price. JMO


does 15 years count as patience?



How are you going to celebrate when you finally get out of your POS ?

in diapers probably!


Just in case, folks might want to pm anyone you want to keep in touch with and give/get your/their home email or phone #, IF they’ll give it!:wink:
Also copy and save any previous correspondence you might want to keep.

Any predictions for the conversion? This is getting very old…


After all we’ve been through, this is an exciting time. At least to me. No more rumors to wade through, reputable miners on the site. When has that every happened?

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Look at me, a pumper!



In addition to shares in AURYN, Medinah owns 9,950,000 shares of American Sierra Golf Corp
(AMNP) and 96,000 shares of Auryn Mining Corporation (AUMC). Through a settlement with
Leslie Price, Medinah will own an additional 1,700,000 of AMNP and 195,500 of AUMC which
are expected to be converted to Medinah’s name in Q2 2019.

Wondering if and most likely that AUMC share distribution to MDMN shareholders will not happen until Les completes the settlement requirements. Also wondering what will happen with the American Sierra shares when MDMN goes in the rear view mirror.


It would be nice if we no longer had to wonder. Is there ANY reason why they have to continue to keep us in the dark? Enough already…


The only thing that stands out on the financials is Director fees of $462,000 for 2018 in comparison to 60,000 in 2017. Who is getting paid all this money and for what, we are a non operating company and just holding stock!


Yes, for $462,000 you would think “someone” could write and release some relevant news updates…


Looking like the grifters are at it again?


Who got this money Goodin before stepping down??

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