Medinah/Auryn - 2019 - 2nd Quarter General Discussion

What’s done is done. Time to move on. We all have only have ourselves to blame. The ONLY question is how screwed are we going to get moving forward from TODAY? Wizard? Anyone?


I purpose the questions you should be more concerned with include the following:

  1. When/how will free trading shares of Auryn be distributed to Medinah shareholders?
  2. When will Hothschild start drilling the LDM?
  3. When will meaningful exploration results be released?
  4. Will they be good enough for Hothschild to move to completely acquire the LDM?
  5. When will gold production start at the Caren/Lampa mines? Grade? Ounces?
  6. Will Masglas’s properties be rolled into Auryn? If so, how much dilution?
  7. Based on above, are any of Masglas’s properties worthy of adding real value to Auryn?
  8. What about the rest of the Alto? When will that be JVed? Will the focus move away from the Alto to Masglas/Peru?

Regarding this final heist of assets by the Directors; not amused but honestly I have no idea whether they deserved that kind of salary or not as I have no idea what level of effort that they put into the Company or what was all accomplished. I suppose they did conclude a JV so I guess we at least got something tangible for those shares. (Zillions of previously issued shares we got nothing to show for it.)


I agree. But history tells us we will NEVER get the answers to those questions…

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I think #4 stands out as a reasonable solution for everyone if results merit a buyout. If that’s the case, could Hothschild take over all of Auryn?? Opinions…?

I believe Wiz worked more than we will ever know to get shareholders what was left after the Lester fiasco. I think they are still unwrapping the 3 decades of deception, manipulation. Why Lester got anything in the aftermath is a question. I think the final settlement was very close to what Wiz achieved months and months prior. Wiz did his best in spite of the attorney’s keeping this on the clock. Whatever he got for compensation was well worth it for his time, expertise and keeping other hands out of the till. He’s is the same boat as the rest of shareholders.


Wizard earned and deserves every share he recieved. He made the right call to end the on going legal entanglements that we were caught up in. He was essential in working with Masglas so that MDMN and CDCH were able to stay alive with the cash call situation. I personally believe that his good and professional relationship with the Masglas team was the reason they offered us the loans to cover our part of the cash call.

Thank you Kevin!!!


Happy Easter everyone!


So if it was Auryn stock from mdmn allotment, how is it those shares were “issued” to the Directors while we wait and wait?

Yes we are partly to blame. But the person who lied and lied and lied and manipulated people needs to pay a price and les has not paid nearly enough. I’m simply looking to see if there is any interest in going after the bastard

we could toilet paper his house. or a flaming bag of turds and a ding dong ditch??


Don’t be blinded by how corrupt Les was. We all know that. You still need to look at the big picture. The Auryn reps told Baldy over 7 weeks ago at PDAC that the stock conversion was going to take place in a few days. I sincerely doubt that anyone has the stockholders interest in mind as we sit at .002. And as once again evidenced by the recent director’s fees of $462,000. Do you really think this is going to end anytime soon even with Auryn running the show?


Who on earth is trying to purchase 36,500 shares @.0021 for $77 step up the $5 @.0023

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Auryn has distributed its shares to MDMN now it is up to MDMN to get the restriction lifted on the AUMC shares and then transfer the shares to MDMN shareholders or do an exchange with shareholders. But I believe they will first clear up MDMN books and most likely that will happen after Les delivers what he owes per the settlement agreement. That settlement from Les is expected in Q2, so I would not expect the AUMC share distribution to happen until sometime after that date.


that makes logical sense to me, Karl.

Karl does make logical sense, but because AURYN (private) and MDMN have essentially the same management, AUMC shares will all become unrestricted at the same time. Because AURYN (private) still owns MDMN shares, management will facilitate the transfer of AUMC shares for MDMN shareholders’ into individual brokerage accounts.

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How will they work to complete the transfer if your MDMN shares are held in street name? Similar to the dividend shares we received in the past?

same how it worked for CDCH… I guess

Can anybody post google map pictures of the mountain. And any notes on
on any new activities. Just want to make sure they didn’t move this mountain
to some other planet. Thanks in advance.

Mike Gold is one of the best at showing the maps and changes to the mountain…

Any updates Mike??

The latest images are in the January/February time frame. Quick look showed some minor activity at the LDM in the vicinity of the buildings there. Didn’t see any signs of life anywhere else. Not too surprising as any exploration activity short of actual drilling, construction of new roads or digging a new adit likely wouldn’t be visible. Overall, the level of activity appears to have been very little over the last couple of years. I suspect the next image that comes out might actually show something. In particular, hoping the Caren mine and Lampa mine shows activity.


Thanks Mike. I was hoping pictures would have been of, a large pit, with a crushing mill, processing material. And a long line of trucks hauling millings down off the mountain.
Maybe if someone we used to know, had fallen a little harder" down some said stairs, in his hurry to sign some more stock over to himself.
We would be there now.
Guess I’ll just stay on the bus for now. Till it arrives at it’s destination, or, goes over the cliff.,
**It will be getting cooler on that mountain soon, with winter coming.
Forcing all into a warm office. That will give them some time to plan their next moves.
Good luck with your projects, all.