Medinah Minerals (MDMN) - 2015 Q4 - General Discussion

But who was it that told Mike Gold??!!

Maybe it’s not the BOD who are making the timing decisions… I’m with Mike that news is coming… I don’t know when it will land… nor will I try and predict it… but news is probably ready and will be coming when the powers to be… decide it is the right time to release it…

The same guy that misses on almost every prediction he makes. He eventually gets it right; he just has to say “next week” enough times. Eventually we’ll finish this marathon even if we keep being told at the 12 mile marker that the finish line is right around the corner.


Really?? Thanks for keeping us all informed.


Definitely welcome… Auryn’s is in charge now… The Adults… Remember… or did you forget that too…???

And be nice… It’s Christmas… Good Will… Peace… a time of giving…

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Thank you Santa for bringing us back the BigBaboon…Best Christmas gift ever!!!..Priceless…Happy Holidays Everyone!!!


Now that’s being specific!

JJ and Claro can no longer dip into company funds, so you can somewhat relax at this time!

There are no if’s about it, Brecciaboy is definitely King Of The Hill . JMHO
But everybody’s contributions are all certainly appreciated.
Merry Christmas to everybody.
And hopefully we get some news today as per rumours.
Can’t wait.

Yes he is… and a short market day tomorrow… Christmas getting closer…

The days of discounted… MDMN shares… coming to an end too… IMHO…

May I ask what you’re trying to accomplish with your random ellipsis insertions? You actually formed a complete sentence for a change, but you elected to randomly insert periods throughout. I guess it really doesn’t diminish your finished product though when I think about it.


Looking at the past couple updates from Auryn looks like news comes out around 1100 let’s see if that continues today

Brecciaboy is not running for king of the hill (afraid of heights). He just wants to periodically sit in the empty chair and assert the side of the story that otherwise wouldn’t be placed onto the pot luck table.


Also on that page. More incentive to use a SPAC or CPC.

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Does anyone know the name of the ‘red dotted’ location on this map that does not have a label ?


Jim I understand what you are trying to say but they can defend themselves- public announcements. In fact you could say that technically they “have the mic”. If they were not happy about people like @Baldy et al comments on insider selling then they could disclose holdings on a quarterly basis. They won’t though will they? Why would that be? Im all for listening to someone’s side of the story, but when someone has shown that their word or judgement is shakey there’s no longer much value in what they have to say. Much like the boy that cried wolf.


They (The BOD/Mgmt) could easily put forth their thoughts and address shareholder concerns via a semi-annual conference call. But they won’t and they are unwilling to answer the tough questions. And before you sit in the empty chair again, I am not suggesting they provide confidential information, but information that should be provided (e.g. is there a sliding scale for the option price).



I noticed the same unlabeled dot.

I am pretty sure that this is what is called the “old mining works on Merlin 1” on the Auryn’s Gallery page, Merlin Target, here:
You can see there are two pics of the “old mining works” in that Merlin Target set. This is on the Caren claim.

Also if you look at it and the previous pics of the north side of the mountain from GE, it is easy to imagine they have figured out or were trying to figure out whether the Merlin 1 runs from there to the north side adits and then later they uncovered the Merlin I vein to the south edge of the mountain down there by the Gordon. I have not found that the ‘old Caren mining works’ are referenced in the Howe reports, perhaps because it is not on Medinah claims. I don’t think we know what its history is (unlike Fortuna). I don’t know why they left it unlabeled: mistake? no recognized common name?