Medinah Minerals (MDMN) - 2016 Q4- General Discussion

It’s ambiguous:

Not ambiguous if referring to when you get your paycheck! :wink:

“Beginning shortly the CEO will begin providing bi-monthly to monthly updates in this space regarding MEDINAH’s ongoing activities.”

so reading this we will be going backwards from 2 month to 1 month?

I think they meant to say bi-weekly to monthly

once or twice a month (revised ?)

From the CEO

Coming Soon — the CEO will begin using this space to provide brief updates regarding the ongoing affairs of MEDINAH. The intention is for the frequency of the updates to occur twice monthly to monthly. The updates will start before the end of 2016. These updates will be about MEDINAH’s affairs and not will not contain information regarding AURYN’s project development unless it has been released to us by them.


Let’s get some news!

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Tired of Seinfeld already?:wink:
I think everyone here would like to hear what AURYN has to report, also.


If these guys have news it’s time they release it! We are now trading at .0047 with no end in sight as the ASK keeps coming down.


I guess if this goes much lower, some or a lot of us won’t have anything left:(( Hopefully there is a light at the end of this tunnel so we can recoup at least some of our losses. It is too bad that who ever is running this show isn’t hurting as bad as the rest of us! GLTA


If it goes any lower, I will actually be forced to buy some more even though I promised myself I wouldn’t lol !!!

We are all hurting!!! some of us can hold on and keep on taking the pain unfortunately.

The web site is being prepared for the new dynamic.
Notice links on the main menu have changed as well. Financial and Legal links now there and also From the CEO was added to the Communications menu.
Let’s anticipate the utilization of these categories.


I would be very careful about averaging down at this time. Up to now anyone (including myself) that has done so, wished they had waited longer. Especially if you will be able to purchase twice as many shares for the same price a month from now. That is of course if you are still confident this thing will eventually turn around. Let’s hope so…

Not a buyer, trend is not your friend. But let’s hope for this type of news, predictions, and theories

You are right from a technical point this is not a buy! in my opinion this would have to get over the 50 day SMA of .0077 on the daily chart followed by getting over the 50 period SMA .013 on the weekly chart to indicate any major reversal in the stock price. Having said that I have been averaging down every .001 decline in price lately only because I do believe there will be a reversal and that reversal may happen quickly. I then can take some nice trading profits on the shares I hold to trade. It may be the wrong strategy, but buying at .0052 and hopefully selling at .013 is a nice trade if and when it happens. Just my 2 cents.

If I wasn’t invested here and still had all the experience and knowledge that came with being invested for the past decade-plus, I’d be buying this and Cerro as long-term investments, but not with the anticipation of selling in the next few years. M & C look more like a traditional long-term buy and hold imo. I don’t even care about the charts at this point (no offense intended to chartists).

I sure hope not. Been here long enough to still be waiting to turn a profit.


I have already averaged down. I never expect to guess right on the bottom so I am content.


Personally i put a lot of my money in this and not planning to put another penny. Les Price I hope you rot in HEL*L.