Kevin is being compensated by MDMN for his services conducted for MDMN. He also has a role as Communications Director for Auryn. I believe he is being compensated separately from Auryn for that role.
MDMN currently does not have cash to pay Kevin, but expectations are that they will have revenues from Auryn’s mining operations in 2017. In the meantime, Kevin can get paid from MDMN in a number of ways:
Shareholder loans (this was done in the past)
Deferred compensation (also done in the past)
Borrow against future revenues. I don’t know how many banks would consider future ADL revenues or MDMN’s 26% ownership in Auryn as collateral, but an arms length investor such as MASGLAS might.
Get compensated in MDMN shares. No matter how much others wish to raise red flags about dilution, it is closer to impossible than unlikely that Kevin gets compensated in shares at this juncture. He and the company are on a mission to claw back as many shares as possible and undo the massive dilution caused by Price. He knows the damage that dilution has caused the company. And being an officer of the company, he would be limited in how many shares he could sell. Therefore, in order to get compensated in a more liquid form, o e of the first 3 methods of paying his compensation are more likely IMO.