Artemis Res (ARTTF)- Titan Prospect High Grade Gold Vein Discovery samples 10,000gtAu 23.8%Cu, 10.4oz Gold Bar from samples. {10,000gt is the highest assay capacity of the lab which is 1% Gold ! , so these samples were OVER 1% Gold}
Might be a good time to get in early. for those of us who are suffering with MDMN !
The company has extracted multiple hard rock gold samples from the quartz-iron veining with the largest being an estimated 10 cm by 4 cm.
… these gold occurrences originate from a hard rock source which indicates a potentially large gold structure.
Sampling work was conducted around the Titan prospect with about 300 kg of material removed. This material was sorted, crushed, separated, extracted and a bar weighing 10.4 oz was subsequently produced.
Rock chip samples were analyzed in the ALS laboratory in Perth and included Gold grades of as high as 10 000 g/t, 6 520 g/t and 10.2 g/t.
Copper assay results also returned high values, including 23.8% and 14.55% .
The Titan mineralized trend has been tracked for about 700 m and appears to remain open under shallow cover. Furthermore, recent field observations suggest it also occurs on a much larger and strike extensive structural zone.
“We remain excited by the prospectivity that our tenements continue to deliver. The re-focus of exploration efforts and strategy on a tenement-wide scale is continuing to deliver evidence of multiple new zones for gold mineralization, which we believe could contain the potential for large-scale deposits. The next steps will allow us to refine these zones, delineate bona-fide prospects and work towards more targeted exploration efforts,” commented executive director George Ventouras.
Titan is located within the Artemis owned Carlow tenement and about 2 km from the Carlow project, which has a mineral resource of 374 000 oz, or a mineral resource of 704 000 gold-equivalent ounces.
Artemis Resources (ASX:ARV) Managing Director George Ventouras Titan Gold Prospect Interview
Congrats to Gold now at 2500! Hey Jimmy, how much is the stockpile worth now??