Auryn/Medinah - 2023 2nd Half General Discussion

Unless I am living under a rock, reading your posts are increasingly confusing to me. In previous posts, sometimes you’ve been very cautiously optimistic about the stock, and you’ve even praised MC for his accomplishments and the direction he’s going. Other times you like to bash on other very knowledgeable members’ extensive DD and speak of them like idiots. Much of the time, you don’t really counter valid points they’ve made from factual data with factual data.

Then another day you might focus on the hurdles yet to cross, but might still admit that, at this point, MC is likely to succeed. Now suddenly, you make it sound as if our investment in AUMC is entirely a lost cause. It seems you are advising ppl to run around in circles like Chicken Little screaming “The Sky is Falling! Sell, Sell, Sell!” I’m trying to decipher, were you speaking of MDMN or AUMC? Sorry, but this is the way I see it. Sheesh! Correct me where you think I got this wrong, but please be very specific.

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Please provide an example of some valid points that have been made from factual data so that I can properly answer your question. Its important to keep in mind that everyone here is only drawing on their own opinions (and industry knowledge). You can’t actually make a factual statement on things like “experimental batches”, and assays that don’t follow standard reporting. You can provide an opinion or forecast but that is simple hope and optimism. My often negative opinions are simply based on dealing with the difficulties of mining even after a lot of money has been spent on doing things correctly.

When I say that I wouldn’t buy shares in MDMN with a gun to my head, is that a confusing statement? There is no reason to sell at this point (unless for the tax reasons) as the stock is already a zero.

When I say that I would consider buying shares in AUMC in the mid/high teens (~$10M market cap) that seems to be a pretty clear statement. It would need to be preceded by Maurizio providing some actual data (grades across a few thousand tonnes, cost of production/transportation, actual receipt of revenues from ore shipped, etc, etc). I’ve been pretty consistent in thinking that AUMC was overvalued (since it was a $100M market cap) but I wouldn’t follow this board if there was ZERO chance of me actually buying the stock and trying to make some money.

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That’s fair. I’m asking for details. So I, too, should attach some of your quotes going back days & months. I’ll make it a priority as soon as time permits.

No, saying you wouldn’t buy MDMN with a gun to your head wasn’t confusing at all. MDMN was mismanaged and makes most of us cringe thinking of the damage crooked management caused at the time, so that makes sense. You happened to be right about Les all along back then. Going forward now, why wouldn’t (most of us) still benefit from the AUMC dividend shares? And yes, MDMN is sitting at 0.0011 now. But AUMC is not. It seemed you were speaking of them as one & the same.

You make valid points about the possible complications ahead and speculate what kind of progress MC could make (or not) going forward. But then you state your opinion that some of us may be dead before reaping any benefits (tongue in cheek, I hope, lol). As far as your comment that MC is deviating from “industry standards” & won’t help the stock goes, how can you not admit that different jr miners are unique from the others & often take different approaches to their goals?

MC must be doing well as jr miners go, considering Auryn is now IN PRODUCTION & shipping to Enami. Auryn has the goods and MC is risking his wealth on his ‘unconventional’ strategies. Can you explain how you could possibly know so much more than MC from your distant vantage point? I find it odd that, the more progress Auryn makes, the more you balk about how horrible it is.

Like I said, the more progress MC makes, the more you try to convince others to jump ship - as if you know more than MC. You praised MC a great deal more prior to these latest accomplishments. I recall how everyone was so excited (including you) when it was announced Auryn finally hit the DL2 vein.

Sure, you utilize some factual data to point out potential pitfalls based on your limited knowledge of the industry, and most here appreciate knowing possibilities, good or bad. But those extreme negative assumptions won’t likely equate to facts any more than extreme positive assumptions will. Could it be that you just enjoy being a little red-tailed caricature with a pitchfork jumping on the opposite shoulder? :smiling_imp: :innocent:, jmho

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Gold moving back up to 1950

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Hey folks,

After 20 years involved with MDMN, and a decade or so getting slapped in the face with the sight of a $1.2M loss with every login to my trading account, I am out. I feel I did it responsibly, over four months starting in April, and not adding to any selling pressure that would swiftly bring the price down. I wish I had started earlier in the year when it was run up to around .003, but I didn’t want to interfere with whatever was driving the price up at the time. Anywho, not a great feeling turning well over a million into 20k +, but after so many years waiting for so many things I decided to opt for getting what I could out of this greatest financial Fk up of my life and move on. Maybe I should be positive and call it a very expensive education that taught me many great lessons?

I’m still holding all my AUMC and don’t intend on selling until/unless it gets enough volume to support my shares w/o tanking the price. Besides, this one is only a 300k+ loss, so much easier to look at. :smiley:

I had created & posted something a week or so ago but wasn’t sure there was any benefit to doing so, but transparency feels like the right thing to do. This may end up being a great omen for you all since every action I have taken regarding MDMN has been to my detriment, so perhaps you can expect your dividends by the end of the week and AUMC to hit the mother lode later in the year as gold futures are climbing to $2500 and beyond. :stuck_out_tongue:

My best to you all!



Thank you for your forthright and heartfelt (and heart-wrenching) post. I’ve always particularly appreciated your posts. I think everyone here is unanimous in that.

Thank you also for not dropping your shares into the market all at once.

MDMN has been the one stock I’ve owned in the past twenty years or so. (One exception: I own 2,000 shares of AUMC.)

I began buying MDMN in 2011. My loss percentage is similar to yours, but my overall loss is “only” about $130,000, which is an absolute ton of money in my small-fry world. I’ve been afraid to sell for reasons similar to yours. I don’t want to miss out on the coming ka-boom. I know this is nuts. Or is it?

Please drop by and say hello from time to time. You’ve always been a gentleman.


– madmen (Brad)


Thank you Brad.

I don’t know if it’s “nuts” to expect a ka-boom. I think that’s the only honest answer. I would love for it to happen for everyone here, and I would get some benefit with my AUMC shares. For me it would have to be one Hell of a kaboom, and I can’t say I have the confidence that it would be enough for me to recoup my losses. Keep in mind that I created a real problem for myself by buying 13 million shares with a .095 basis. I couldn’t justify putting enough money into the stock to bring my basis down far enough that whatever success Auryn might have would put me in the black. In order for that to occur with the divy shares I would have gotten from MDMN, AUMC would have to reach a value exceeding $18.50. So I had two questions to ponder… Does that seem reasonable and, if so, how long will I be waiting to get there. You know the conclusion I came to. Time will tell how smart I was, but at this point I’m content with my choice.

Regardless of everything else, I hope everyone here has walked away with some valuable lessons that they apply in every instance they can moving forward. For me, the greatest one was to set greed aside and be smart. I had plenty of opportunity to make over a million dollars profit here, and over two including my CDCH position. I could have at least sold enough to get my cost basis out, instead of losing most of it. Potential means nothing, especially in penny stocks and especially in the mining sector. Protecting your capital is the most important thing.

When I have some free time I’ll see about going back to posting some charts on a thread here if I can remember how to do it if anyone’s interested. I suspect easymillion will like that! :slight_smile:

Take care.


Hey John…

I always understood your reasoning here. It’s always been sound. I just didn’t care for the insensitive presentation at times. I’m sure you’d be a good financial advisor… but if you ever change careers please don’t pick anything that requires you to have a sensitive bedside manner! :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope your kids are healthy and well, along with the rest of your family.


And this company can’t fights way out of a wet paper bag. This has been a shit show from the day I invested in this POS.
Right now it’s a lottery ticket with no drawing date imo.

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As I have said before, Juniors issue shares in the market so they can drill and prove up properties it is a process every junior goes through. If AUMC does not start getting aggressive in a drill program you will be waiting another 6 years for nothing!!

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“It seems that as a very smart investor you pretend to be you simply can’t put the pieces of the puzzle together. (taste of your own poison)” Hulkster June 2023

All the best to you Rich. It’s never easy to exit a long-term investment. If this board were a popularity contest I would be failing misearably. This being said, I’m only here to offer my opinion and keep my toes in the water in case it ever gets warm enough to jump in. While I appreciate that investors here would much prefer the morphine drip and fantastical projections provided by BB and others, I’ve simply tried to present a more realistic assesment of this investment. Nobody likes a realist but I can handle being unpopular on a message board. I would have a considerably harder time knowing that I’ve added to the financial misfortune of many of the good folks here by spinning tales of a Chilean pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


The worst of this for me was not the financial loss or that I spun any tales, but I did pass them along to a few who invested and suffered to some degree. Speaking of that, I certainly wish Les Price nothing but the absolute worst of everything.


Les Price deserves the hell he bought. just sayin…


Hi Baldy - I see you are quoting Hulkster from weeks ago, but perhaps you are taking it out of context? I went back to follow the bouncing ball …

Seriously, I’m just trying to make sense of some of these complaints, back-biting, shared DD and opinions.

In the March 2023 Shareholder Notification, we are informed how the Chilean Mining Authorities selected Auryn Mining to host a series of training workshops regarding safer materials & explosives for mining producers." This selection was made after Mr. Carlos Hunt, SEREMI de Mineria-Region Metropolitana visited AURYN’s La Fortuna de Lampa mine. “The mining authorities expressed their satisfaction with AURYN’s operation and its high level of compliance with ESG standards.”

BB commented, after sourcing Auryn’s quarterly updates, regarding how Maurizio was noticed as someone “willing to work with the University of San Sebastian in providing externships.” Your average Junior Miners aren’t given roles or opportunities like that. That definitely sounds promising for Auryn as they continue ramping up production, imo. BB suggests that Auryn appears to have an interesting role “towards mandated environmentall responsible mining and the following of ESG protocols.” BB shared some quotes from previous updates in his post and commented on them with his educated opinion. All very reasonable possibilities.

NOTE: ENAMI recently granted Auryn Mining the Mining Register so they can now commence delivery and sales of minerals to them. According to Hurricane Rick, ENAMI may give CU credit for any gold ore processed averaging 2.5% CU or better. It’s my understanding that ENAMI may provide support to their miners because they benefit from speeding up the process, too. Could this be another financing opportunity that Auryn can take advantage of?

Baldy responded to BB’s post:

But as the discussion progressed with more research, it turns out that other mines DO use this “ESG strategy.” And the hurdles Baldy submits about the winter months & expense are not big obstacles after all.

And finally, here’s Hulkster’s actual post where you can find the quote Baldy just used against him …

Baldy, it helps to read your post that Hulkster is referring to. Perhaps you took his quote out of context?


Sorry. I don’t understand the point of your post. AUMC isn’t actually mining so their environmental impact is minimal. Hulkster’s main argument for AUMC/MDMN appreciating in value is because Dogecoin was able to appreciate in value. I don’t even know where to go with that.

ESG and mining are ying and yang. My point is/was that even the best financed companies (those that can afford ESG initiatives) have a very difficult time doing so. At this point AUMC is just trying to make a dollar. Yet, readers here have to suffer from delustions of a “Green Mining Co.” Baby steps.

Anyone parsing through the AUMC PR’s and interpreting the fluff (which is typically offered by companies not delivering on the stuff that matters) as gospel, only need to cross reference what has been historically stated vs. reality. If you depend on the PRs for guidance on this investment you would have assumed production started 6 years ago.

To your earlier post: AUMC and MDMN are one in the same. That should not be a confusing concept. The reason why I wouldn’t touch MDMN is simply because AUMC has failed to deliver the porponiate shares. There really is no excuse even though I realize that the excuse offered was expectations that AUMC would appreciate in value, therefore making the accrued expenses be less dilutive. That has clearly gone in the wrong direction and MDMN is a kiss away from being delisted. AUMC issuing shares to MDMN would make AUMC way more liquid (trades by appointment currently). Why folks like BB who have been decimated in their invesment aren’t making more noise about this 6 year delay in a share distribution is unfathomable to me.

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Are you a speed-reader? :face_with_peeking_eye: I ask because you seem to skim thru posts and only reply to the parts you cherry pick.

No, Hulkster was talking about how Auryn was recognized by the Mining Industry Authorities for their “technical & financial effort” and Auryn’s “high level of compliance with applicable ESG regulations.”

That’s when he said: “It seems that as a very smart investor you pretend to be you simply can’t put the pieces of the puzzle together. (taste of your own poison).” But Hulkster made that statement only after you discounted everything BB said (on May 7th) about ESG. And you denied ESG was mainstream or common.

See your post at Auryn/Medinah - 2023 1st Half General Discussion - #438 by Baldy (on May 9th). You referred to it as “psuedo ESG” and added, “To make the argument that AUMC is pursuing a green mining strategy is literally proposterous.”

THAT is why Hulkster originally made that statement you convenienly shot back at him recently. Incidently, you slapped him with that same “Dogecoin” blurb then, too. I gotta hand it to ya though, you have interesting ways of deflecting.

REGARDING SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (ESG) Here’s another reasonable post from BB
Easymillion shares his DD, too

This post is just another example where you tend to beat up on others who share thier DD & factual data to connect the dots using their mining expertise to present educated opinions. But disagreeing with them in a civil manner is very different from attacking their character. I just don’t understand your refusal to view other posts objectively. Criticism is okay, but why not constructive criticism? Especially considering that much of what you post is speculation & opinions, why would you do that?

Deep sigh
EMOJI Deep Sigh

OK Jaded. You win. If Google searches convince you that mining is truely becoming ESG compliant and AUMC is leading the pack that’s just one more positive box to check for this company. If you believe that AUMC has issued PR’s that have been accurate, dependable, and delivered upon that’s another box. And if you choose to believe that BB’s posts are “factual” that’s certainly your perrogative. I can tell you, factually, that all of the above have netted a resulting 90%+ drawdown on your investment since Maurizio took over 7 years ago (not including the massive dilution of the AUMC “merger”). I would be doing a lot more than deep sighs but don’t need to b/c I haven’t had the misfortune of relying on the preceding factors.

No need to engage with an ignorant, deflecting chump like myself. You’re doing just fine as is.

Lastly, I don’t feel the need to be civil to likes of BB. Keep in mind that he attacked me and my family on several occasions when I started to expose Les Price. BB defended him and the rest of the management team until the very end while slamming me for having an alternative agenda. Not to mention the wealth destruction created over 20+ years as a direct/indirect result of “pie in the sky” forecasts leading to may investor holding on to a “story” far too long. Has he or others EVER admitted to being wrong or pointed out company failures? Hard to have constructive criticism when debating a multi-decade unappolgetically positive spin in the face of what has actually occurred.

Enjoy the long weekend!!


If I attacked you and your family on several occasions, I sincerely apologize.

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November 2015


You don’t even want to get it. Your arguments are so weak yet convincing to those that don’t understand markets and mining that it’s scary. Let’s tell the whole truth in an unbiased fashion for a change. You say in a very convincing fashion:
“Great Jim. Who owns the Picasso? I can promise you that your stake has been reduced by more than 95%.”

When you say that my ownership interest got diluted by 95% the key to me who doesn’t have an “anger itch” needing a daily scratch, but obviously not you, is how much the VALUE of my overall stock position has gone up. By “value” I mean NPV not the share price the market assigns. I find the comment you made to be full of DECEPTION but I have witnessed and have accepted that this is something that you just have to do because that anger itch is much stronger than your desire to shoot straight with the investors that rely upon your comments as being unbiased. I know this just as I know that Les’s timing predictions are seldom accurate. BUT THAT’S OK BECAUSE I’M AN ADULT AND I KNOW THIS TO BE THE CASE. I find no need to regurgitate it on a daily basis. When I lock horns with somebody, I like to sit down and find out exactly where we disagree otherwise it has a tendency to consume me.

Recently you witnessed some selling. At first you said that’s Les Price selling. Then the story became that its not only Les Price but he’s actually ILLEGALLY selling RESTRICTED shares. Why was it illegal? You told us that he was not filing the forms that an insider needs to file if they are a 5% owner of shares. You told us that Les had been doing this ILLEGAL selling since September. Later the story became that Claro too was ILLEGALLY selling RESTRICTED shares without filing the appropriate forms. Then you told us that Medinah’s BOD has been doing this all along. Your certainty level was its usual 100%.

Let’s slow down a bit and review the TRUTH that somebody not needing to scratch an “anger itch” on a daily basis might say. First of all, there is no 5% ownership laws demanding the filing of any forms. There is a 10% law BUT IT ONLY APPLIES TO CORPORATIONS REQUIRED TO REPORT TO THE SEC UNDER THE TERMS OF SECTIONS 12 AND 15 OF THE '34 SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT. These are SEC Forms 3 (initial),4 (any changes in beneficial ownership) and 5 (late reporting of a Form 4) that are supposed to be filed. Medinah is NOT one of these “SEC FILING” corporations. As an OTCMarkets Pink Sheet company “current” with the “alternative reporting requirements” Medinah disseminates public information by filing 211 (a)(5) reports accompanied by an “attorney’s letter”. There are 9,800 companies trading on the OTCMarkets. The reporting requirements of SEC registered issuers involving 10 Q’s and 10 K’s are vastly different than 211(a)(5). BUT WE KNEW THAT OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT BEFORE BUYING OUR FIRST SHARES.

Thus there are no 5% ownership “filing requirements” for Medinah affiliates/control persons nor are there any 10% requirements to file Forms 3,4 or 5. Further, as far as Les allegedly ILLEGALLY selling RESTRICTED shares there is no way you or anyone else can detect the sale of RESTRICTED securities in our markets. If your allegation is true, this would involve the COMPLICITY of Medinah’s Transfer Agent (for illegally removing restrictive legends)and their Corporate Counsel for falsifying the attorneys letter needed to remove a restrictive legend.

John, your pattern of DECEPTION in these matters is so clear that you must, as an investment professional subject to all kinds of codes of conduct, realize this. Recently you engaged in a campaign to solicit funds from Medinah shareholders in order to pay the legal expenses to audit the sale of shares of insiders that you already informed us in a declarative fashion have been going on. Did the cart accidentally get in front of the horse? To my knowledge and that of several of my colleagues, there is no legal theory available to compel compliance with such a demand. Who’s going to tell the donors?

You made the suggestion that the results of this campaign might even end up in Les Price being forced into the open market to buy REGISTERED securities and it might even result in Les going bankrupt. Notice the scratching of that “anger itch”. Shouldn’t you pay the legal expenses involved in seeing if your assertions of ILLEGAL behavior are true or not and shouldn’t the results of any such audit antecede your accusations. John, you just can’t engage in DECEPTION like this in conjunction with the purchase and sale of securities of issuers whether “registered” with the SEC or not. The same goes for soliciting the funds of others under false pretenses. That’s why 10b-5 is called the “omnibus anti-fraud” rule.

I think it’s time you came clean with the forum participants that have been making buy/sell decisions based on your allegations. I would include the legal issues involving your family and Medinah as a starter in order to provide some context to your behavior. Why do I request this? It’s because your actions have put me into an ethical “no man’s land”. My faith does not allow me to engage in the type of behavior you have undertaken. I brought your Dad into this deal. He has the exact same tempermant that you have. He made the exact same accusations you are now making and in a similar fashion. Medinah had no choice but to handle it in a legal fashion. In a derivative fashion, I am responsible for your behavior and your Dad’s which bothers me a lot. You brought this upon yourself, not me. What’s amazing to me is that even knowing that management is transitioning out you actually have accelerated your campaign. One question I have for you is don’t the clients that you put into this deal have recourse to recoup any investment funds lost when the party that suggested the investment has done everything in their power to crush the invested in company due to personal family issues?

BB I appreciate the apology even though I believe you sincerly don’t think you ever made any attacks. In this post, you dismissed my active attempts to audit the share count and expose Les Price as an “anger itch”. After these accusations were proven 100% accurate you never retracted any of your previous defenses of Les/MDMN management/Claro nor offsenses towards me. You even suggested that “clients” I brought into this investment should have recourse. I never brought “clients” in but I did bring in many collegues who sold as soon as I flagged highly suspicious insider trading activity. I would think that any financial recourse would fall on the lap of the guy who has vigorously promoted the investment regardless of what is actually occurring on the field vs. the guy who helped minimize losses by getting people off a sinking ship.

Even though I believe MDMN and CDCH shareholders got massively diluted with the AUMC merger, I’ll admit that Maurizio should not wear nor bare the stigma of previous management. He’s doing his best to create value. The only thing that gives me that “anger itch” is that you and others STILL cannot objectively admit to any negative development (even when management is admitting to the same). It just crushes credibility when every new development has to have a positive spin. Not a positive nor realistic dynamic when it comes to mining co’s.

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