Auryn/Medinah - 2024 1st Half General Discussion

Yes, would have been nice to see. I don’t have a subscription.
It’s starting to turn around with the price of copper rising. (My favorite copper mine for now is Ivanhoe - IVPAF):
Chile sees Codelco revival after years of copper output declines

Codelco is turning the corner after a production slump and project overruns eroded the state-owned copper behemoth’s finances, according to a top Chilean government official.

“In 2024, the production of Codelco is going to increase for the first time in several years,” Finance Minister Mario Marcel said in a Thursday interview from his Santiago office, hours before the company is due to deliver its annual results and guidance.


Why would someone buy 1 share to put the share price back to .001 instead of .0012


That’s what Market Makers do !


I’ve been scratching my head for some time trying to make sense out of a long line of assay results that seemed too good to be true as well as the statement by Auryn management that if they were to froth float the DL2 Vein ore on-site, as the first step of concentrating/”beneficiating” the ore, then they could realize an “extra” $5,000 per tonne over and above the handsome amount of money Enami was willing to pay Auryn if Auryn were to “DIRECT SHIP” their ore out of the adit straight to the Enami smelters.

There were 2 separate things that seemed too good to be true. The first was consistently “off the chart” gold grades and the second was that $5,000 per tonne differential. In the sciences, if you are presented with a pair of anomalies, the first thing you want to determine is if the two are RELATED or not. What underlying reality could explain BOTH insanely high grades AND that “extra” $5,000 per tonne differential for just putting in a froth flotation circuit?

My first question had to do with how Enami could justify not paying Auryn at least some of that “extra” $5,000 per tonne. They’re famous for looking after the needs of the junior gold producers that they service. Enami charges smelting fees of about $184 per tonne on average. So, it wasn’t their fees that were an issue because that $184 per tonne figure was just a tiny percentage of that $5,000 per tonne differential. Recall that Auryn ran 2 smelter tests on the ore they encountered in the DL2 Vein. The sample sent to Enami came back stating that Enami was willing to pay the equivalent of 57 gpt gold, 978 gpt silver and 3.21% copper NET OF THEIR SMELTING FEES (“TC’s” which are treatment charges and “RC’s” which are refining charges) AND ANY PENALTIES THEY HAD TO ASSESS.

If you study the worksheet that Enami uses to calculate how much they will pay a miner for “DIRECT SHIPPING” their ore to Enami’s smelters, you’ll notice that there is a line-item entry for “PENALTIES”. Enami charges significant penalties if a miner’s ore has certain environmentally toxic contaminants contained within it that could be released during the smelting process. These include things like ARSENIC, which can be contained in a mineral known as “ARSENOPYRITE” or “ARP” and MERCURY. But what might this have to do with that other anomaly present having to deal with consistently off the chart gold grades?

As it turns out, ARSENOPYRITE has everything in the world to do with consistently off the chart gold grades. Arsenopyrite is known as the “gold magnet”. It is made up of an arsenic atom, an iron atom and 2 sulfur atoms or As-Fe-S2. The attraction between gold and arsenopyrite actually occurs at the atomic level. The presence of significantly high levels of “ARP”, can result in the concentration of associated gold levels “UP TO 1 MILLION TIMES” the norm. This is not a misprint.

A miner DOES NOT want to DIRECT SHIP gold ore with high levels of “ARP” and gold to a smelting facility. The “PENALTIES” will be enormous even though the paycheck, as we saw in the Enami results, might also be enormous. What is done nowadays is the miner will first remove the ARSENOPYRITE from its ore via FROTH FLOTATION which does a wonderful job in removing ARSENOPYRITE. Then you send the resultant pretty much arsenic-free “float concentrate to the smelter. Froth flotation not only predictably removes the ARESENIC/ARSENOPYRITE, it does so very inexpensively. The ARSENIC contained within ARSENOPYRITE is not much of a hazard in the ground. If you put ARSENOPYRITE into a blast furnace or reverberatory furnace, as is done during smelting, the ARSENIC will volatilize as ARSENIC gas, which is toxic.

So, the insanely high but remarkably consistent gold grades as well as this seemingly enormous $5,000 per tonne “differential”, do make a lot of sense. Froth flotation uses water and is known as a HYDROMETALLURGICAL PROCESS for purifying gold ores. Smelting is a PYROMETALLURGICAL PROCESS, it uses a tremendous amount of heat.

The 100-page report on the DL2 Vein and the ADL Mining District completed by ACA Howe, highlighted the fact that the gold in the DL2 Vein was tightly bound to ARSENOPYRITE just inside the outer margins of the vein proper. When you study a photomicrograph of gold ore with ARSENOPYRITE, the gold and the “ARP” molecules almost seem to be welded together. The froth flotation process cleverly separates the two, and the gold attaches to the bubbles within the FF “cells” and gets transported to the surface to join the “froth”. The “ARP” molecules end up descending to the bottom of the FF “cell” from where they are safely discarded to the tailings facility on the ADL plateau surface as ARSENOPYRITE, with the arsenic atom safely attached to the pyrite molecule, just like in nature. When you smelt ore rich in “ARP”, the arsenic becomes volatilized into its gaseous form which is indeed an environmental toxin. Hence the need for Enami to penalize ore sent to its smelters rich with “ARP”.

Below is a link to an article that reviews the methodologies used to remove ARSENOPYRITE prior to ore being smelted. Before the technological innovations permitting easily removing “ARP” were introduced, the presence of “ARP” was a mixed blessing. The gold grades would be through the roof but so too would be the environmental damage. Now, it’s more of being just a blessing because of the inordinately high gold grades and the ability to froth float the arsenopyrite. So, the 2 anomalies, insanely high gold grades and the ability to realize an “extra” $5,000 per tonne if the miner is willing to do the froth flotation on-site (in order to avoid the smelting penalties), makes a lot of sense.

Smelting is very efficient and usually results in gold with a 90% purity, and it can always be done AFTER the froth flotation. Froth flotation is very INEXPENSIVE. It usually averages a cost of about $10 per tonne and this includes the CAPEX for building the facility and the OPEX (operating expenses) for running the facility. Smelting is more expensive and Enami charges around $184 per tonne to smelt gold ore. In addition to getting rid of the ARSENOPYRITE, the FF process also gets rid of a lot of the worthless material within the ore, the “gangue”, and this way a lesser amount of TONNAGE needs to be sent to the more expensive smelter because a lot of the “gangue” never needs to be transported or smelted because it is sitting in the tailings facility back on the ADL plateau. Lower TRANSPORTATION COSTS, lower SMELTER tonnages, and lower SMELTING PENALTIES are all incorporated into that $5,000 per tonne “bonus”, that Auryn management refers to as having a “direct financial impact”, over and above what Enami was willing to pay for the ore DIRECTLY SHIPPED to their smelter.

Auryn management has in hand what they refer to as a DETAILED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS that includes this $5,000 “bonus”. We shareholders do not have this breakdown but the “potential financiers” do.

Why gold loves arsenic - MINING.COM

In regards to Auryn/Medinah, what’s important to keep in mind is that even though Auryn might be in a position to hit it out of the ballpark in regards to top line earnings, they don’t really need to in order to generate an extremely robust EARNINGS PER SHARE. This is because there are only 70 million shares issued and outstanding fully-diluted. Mining ore with the grades that Auryn has consistently experienced in recent assays or historical production results, at a time when the price of gold is near all-time highs, represents a significant amount of ECONOMIC LEVERAGE.


Just a few random thoughts and questions. A while back I mentioned that earlier tests had recovered better than 90% of coarse free milling gold using a Falcon Gravimetric system. Does a FF system typically still capture the coarser free milling gold? Perhaps there are other solutions to capturing the larger free milling gold particles. Is a sequential multistep process using successively finer grinds in several Froth Flotation tanks using different chemical solutions necessary as a best solution? It seems such a multistep floatation process incorporating a gravity reclamation circuit may benefit overall recovery. This would have several steps in the grinding process graduating from larger mesh size to recover the larger free milling gold before grinding to a smaller suitable size for the FF circuit. Just thinking out loud here as a future possibility.


There was a great deal of detailed information in that previous post, thanks for sharing. Loved this phrase in the article you cited BB: “These minerals act like a sponge and are capable of concentrating gold up to 1 million times more than is found elsewhere in nature.”

Here’s another article I found interesting and informative.

Arsenopyrite is commonly the culprit in a refractory gold ore. In evaluating a shear and host gold deposit, we need to see that those good grades, that the veins are continuous and not trapped up by later Structures and that they have sufficient width to allow economic mining.

Veins Often form swarms

Visible Gold in Mesothermal Deposits

(Mineralization of Greenstone and Mesothermal Deposits)

This forum has shown me we have firm base of loyal shareholders that will see MC’s goal to a successful monetization of the ADL asset for as long as it takes. Yes patience, it has not been easy. With MC as one of the largest shareholders, management’s interest in a profitable result is aligned with the success of all shareholders. It is fully realized as we get closer to realizing exploitation, all permits must first be obtained. I would expect little additional information to be released until this step is accomplished, except in quarterly updates. It is only after permits and FF financing are accomplished that a steady continuous flow of PRs will start to gather interest. This is the process for building a new shareholder base. This is a necessary step in creating the shareholder value all present shareholders desire.


What Are Techniques for Extracting Gold From Arsenic-Containing Gold Mines? - Xinhai (

This is a link to another article showing HOW they extract gold from arsenic containing ore. A while back, management used the term “refractory” when describing our ore. Two types of “refractory ore” are ores with “fine” and “ultra-fine” particles of gold (like ours) and ores with arsenopyrite, which also describes our ore. Thankfully, a very inexpensive process, “froth flotation”, addresses both of these conditions of the ore.

During Auryn’s 2 tests with smelters, the one done in Lima, Peru at the Plenge Lab was done in a lab setting or “bench” setting. It revealed that the intra adit head grade of the ore was 128 gpt gold i.e. through the roof when you consider that the average gold being mined worldwide in veins is 4.18 gpt gold. Smelter tests are EXTREMELY ACCURATE. There were no penalties associated with this test because it was a lab test and not a commercial test.

The Enami test OF THE VERY SAME ORE, came in at 57 gpt gold, also through the roof. This differential of about 71 gpt gold involved about 3 gpt gold as Enami’s smelting fee but an extra 68 gpt as a penalty for refractory ore (arsenic containing) ore. With gold trading at where it is, one gram of gold is worth about $74 ($2,300 per ounce divided by 31.1 grams per ounce). If you multiply $74 per gram by that 68 gpt “penalty”, you get that $5,000 figure which management referred to as the “DIRECT FINANCIAL IMPACT” if Auryn opted to froth float their own ore prior to smelting.

I don’t, for a minute, think that Auryn can AVERAGE 128 gpt gold over the course of maybe 20 years at the DL2 Vein. This is 32-times the average grade being mined worldwide in vein deposits. That’s a bit too much to ask.


Doesn’t a best method of gold recovery consider utilizing both gravity and flotation? Carbon in Leach (CIL) or Carbon in Pulp (CIP) as a final step gets the highest overall percentage of recovery. What am I missing in this process?

High sulfide gold ore refers to a certain gold ore with 20% -30% of gold wrapped by sulfide (mainly pyrite). Because most of the gold in high-sulfide gold ore exists in the form of sulfide-encapsulated gold, when using direct leaching process, the consumption of gold leaching agent and cost of gold leaching production will increase, and gold processing efficiency is not good. So it is better to use gravity separation, flotation, or flotation-cyanidation process. The following is an analysis of specific beneficiation tests, and introduces four commonly used gold processing methods for high-sulfide gold ores.

(Guides For High-sulfide Gold Processing)

It’s worth looking at what the article has to say that may be applicable to best recovery. I’ll trust MC has the best experts deciding what can be used to maximize profit from the ore to best advantage.

However, I’m still puzzled as to whether a very simple FF plant would not employ a gravitational circuit in some capacity. I base this partially on these images shown above that appear to show rather large free gold embedded in the rock. You’ll also recall back when the Caren Mine was actively being explored metallurgical tests conducted at laboratories in Perú returned an average gold recovery greater than 90% by using a Falcon gravimetric system.

It’s difficult to use flotation process for extraction of coarse-grained gold ore, especially when the gold grain is larger than 0.2mm. (Extraction of Gold by Flotation Process)

The images from Gallery | AURYN Mining Corporation appear to show free gold greater than 0.2mm. Reading through the linked article above this one line quote shown above made think that gravimetric recovery has a possible role in the future exploitation of the ADL.


Thank you for the great analysis of the differential and why it’s not fantasy!


What adds confidence is that MC got confirmation from exeperts such as Richard Sillitoe and others before sinking $Millions of his own money in this. You have to be confident in a high return on investment to put up your own money to the tune of several $Million. And to think that confidence was when Gold was priced at $1,800 or less, at $2,300+ there is good reason to be very optimistic about this!


Banyan Gold Announces Positive Metallurgical Test Results, AurMac Project, Mayo, Yukon - Junior Mining Network

Hi EZ,

I hope the above link works for you. We share a desire for the “granular details”. I used to teach BIOCHEMISTRY at the doctorate level and the chemistry in ore processing can get pretty complicated. The one given is that with all of the technological innovations we have to play with today, the braniac engineers and metallurgists will discover the FLOW SHEET needed to provide both the maximum GRADE for the float concentrate and the maximum RECOVERY RATE for the gold contained within the intra adit ore. These are 2 very different things.

At the end of the day, there will probably be a gravity separation area within the plant, maybe a CIL/CIP circuit, definitely a FF facility, etc. Like Dr. Mischo said before he headed back to Germany, once you “dial in” the proper FLOW SHEET, scaling up production will be a piece of cake and very “PREDICTABLE”.

I wish I had the ability to connote to the shareholders of both Auryn and Medinah, you guys have already won the war. You’re already “IN PRODUCTION” although the checks aren’t flowing in yet. “Mining and stockpiling” extremely high-grade ore, WHILE WAITING FOR A FF FACILITY TO BE CONSTRUCTED THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO EARN TWICE AS MUCH PER TONNE MINED AS THE HANDSOME AMOUNT THAT ENAMI WAS WILLING TO PAY FOR “DIRECT SHIPPED” ORE, IS MUCH BETTER THAN ANOTHER MINER MINING “AVERAGE” GRADE ORE AND ACTUALLY RECEIVING CHECKS NOW, FOR A FRACTION OF THE AMOUNT AURYN IS ABOUT TO MAKE.

Just because “the market” doesn’t understand any of these complexities, doesn’t make them untrue. Main Street mining investors are busy trying to figure out which of the 3,000 or so junior explorers they should be concentrating on. We’ve been living and breathing this for so long that we think that the market should be an EFFICIENT MARKET and all participants know all about complicated things like arsenopyrite being a “gold magnet” but also a toxin if smelted prior to froth flotation. That “extra” $5,000 per tonne figure is very real but it is extremely difficult to understand for mining investors without a background in CHEMISTRY which is pretty much all of us. TRUST THE QUARTERLY UPDATES!


Yes, the link works for me and I agree with everything said in your post.

I posted this image a while ago (Feb 27).

I was hoping you’d jump on it and explain what I was seeing in Banyan, which I’ve had a position in since 2019. It is a huge open pit deposit with a very fine CEO up in the Yukon. As you say, the chemistry in ore processing can get pretty complicated and it’s a little difficult picking apart the multiple stage process into maximizing the individual parts. I’ll give it a brief try anyway. I’m sure you’ll set me straight if I’m misinterpreting anything here in what I briefly try to explain and comment on.

In the extensive flow sheets Banyan conducted, there was noted variability in the head assays; Not unusual on a large project. Similarly, I expect we will see a variability in Fortuna’s head grades as mining progresses. A demonstrated nuggetty coarse gold component necessitated the metallurgy conducted by Banyan to maximize profitability on this large 7.0 million ounce project. The final analysis stated Gravity recovery has shown it may be an effective part of the flow sheet. Can that 53% gravity recovered high-grade gold concentrate component be separated out of the flow early on and shipped directly to Enami for some quick cash to further refining capacity? What is the bulk reduction of ore tonnage at this early stage?

In Banyan’s flow sheet tests the very fine 75 micron (200 mesh) crushing had a great recovery averaging 91% by several of the methods looked at. In the last article link I posted in my previous post, the main takeaway is simply stated, “The flotation process is mainly used to process pulse gold ore.” For those that may not have read it, disadvantages for some types of gold ore (gold grain is larger than 0.2mm) are also stated as:

For ore hard to reach the flotation conditions, such as quartz-bearing gold ore without sulfides, it is difficult to obtain stable flotation foam after slurring. So the performance of extraction of gold by flotation process won’t be excellent.

For gold flotation process, crushing and grinding process is necessary and a huge amount of flotation reagent must be consumed. Therefore, flotation process means higher cost than gravity separation and amalgam treatment in terms of economic indicators.

That citation explains the process in greater detail, but my perception is that fine grinding is a multistage process using a lot of equipment, infrastructure and chemicals, and thus expensive. It does produce an excellent result however. The Banyan flow sheet shows that for simple FF, conventional mill flotation produces 84% gold recovery. This is probably the least expensive to get started, and for a high-grade ore would be the quickest high profit monetization after permits are obtained, although not the maximum that could be achieved in time.

I’ll be on vacation until May 13, so that’s all I have for now.


You could drive a bus through the Bid/Offer spread recently. Either we are losing liquidity or else some news on the way?


Did MDMN get halted? I don’t see any MM showing on my Scwab platform. I checked Fidelity and see no Bid size or ask size


Same on Schwab. tried putting in a bid. it was rejected. I have sent in a ticket. Awaiting a reply

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Pink Current and Limited Information Disclosure Requirements | OTC Markets | OTC Markets

There was a “quarterly/interim report” filing due yesterday 5/15/24. This triggers a 15-day grace period to get it in. I’ll contact Maurizio and Kevin.


Thanks Doc! How do they let this pass? Very irresponsible on the company part.

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Thank you. looked like someone panicked out of 2.6m shares yesterday at $0.006

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This is a perfect reason why we have The Mining Play still.


Here’s a copy of the missing filing from last year.


Could this be the new rule that was put in late last year

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