Medinah Minerals (MDMN) - 2017 Q1General Discussion

No chance that Medinah will settle with Les by somehow paying Les. Recall that Kevin has been horribly damaged by Les. You think he is going pay him? Come on now. Les will have to give up his percentage of Auryn, all his shares(if he has any left), probably any Cerro shares, and corporate in getting rid of all the illegally issued issues for a settlement to happen. By the way, it was Les that has sought out Medinah to settle…not the other way around so Les waiting until the last minute to settle doesn’t make sense. I believe Les has no money left and can’t defend himself.


Sorry if I led you to believe I think Les would be demanding “payment”, as such was not the intention - when I mentioned “make them PAY for it”, I meant in the sense of obtaining a civil advantage in the negotiations. I do believe he gains civil advantage by merely knowing that time is of the essence for us. If Les did initially seek settlement with MDMN, then the fact that he knew time was going to be of the essence was the reason. Not smart on our part to give him or anybody else any advantage.


I would expect time is of essence to Les as well. I don’t see him having any advantage.

Maybe his health is deteriorating, which could maybe work in our favor, don’t know.

I do not know what price JJ sold at for sure, but I do have a photo of Masglas attorney signing the purchase documents and it looks like the price was .065. Baldy could be right and the math on the paper work could be wrong. It is what it is!

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There was never any public release of how much Masglas paid for JJ’s shares.

Karl can you release that photo?tia

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I sent it to Kevin Tupper along with a copy of all my emails relating to Les, JJ, Tenney, and Chapin! If Kevin does not have a problem with me releasing it here I will post it? You have to enlarge the Photo to read it and the work sheets. If you do this you will see the various lots of shares that do tie out to actual total shares purchased and there is a dollar amount as well, which I assumed was the total. These amounts are only on work sheets and not on a signed document, fwiw.


If Les is seeking settlement it is because any or all of the following

  1. Medinah has enough discovery data and a paper trail on him that makes his frivolous lawsuit completely untenable to pursue further.

  2. He underestimated Medinah’s ability to pay its legal bills to provide sufficient defense and further, so that they could go after him as hard as they have so far.

  3. Les has no money and can no longer afford legal bills to provide responses to Medinah’s.

IMO, all three may be at play here. Number 3 is the most disappointing for MDMN because if it is true, that limits or nullifies any financial damages that can be recovered in either a lawsuit or settlement. At a minimum, MEdinah should demand all preferreds and common be returned. The transfer agent can put a halt on preferred conversions, but I don’t think they can stop Price from selling his common, if he has any left.

If the company and shareholders can’t get adequate financial retribution from Price, perhaps the SEC or FBI are willing to make an example of him. One can only hope.


The guy just had a heart attack for crying out loud. Poor dude! broken bones and broken heart. He’s going downhill fast.

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I got Kevin’s OK to post the picture with an explanation and it took me some time to find it again, but now all I need is for someone to tell me how I can copy it and post it here! or I can email it to someone who knows how!

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I don’t believe for a second he broke his leg in Chili way back when. Yes, I am cynical. It’s good that you feel sorry for him. I don’t. I am a God fearing christian too.

He has a boat and house. Take all his assets, he can live with his daughter in his golden years would suit me just fine.


It may be sarcasm, there’s a tad bit of it going around. I lean towards the old testament, when white collar crime is committed, but hey that’s just me :wink:

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Here is the photo from July 8 2015 and according to Kevin, JJ never honored this agreement. This Photo was sent by Les to another party that forwarded it to me, fwiw

I deleted the photo on the request of the individual that had forwarded it to me.

(pssssssssst- I also don’t believe that malarkey for a second). I didn’t then, and I don’t now.


Karl, can you point to the area of the picture where you can make out $0.065/share? I see some scribbling but I can’t make out any of the writing on the document he’s actually signing.

I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. He sowed it, he reaps it.


Just took the total dollar amounts and divided it by the shares. It is all on the paper with the blue label. The rest of it is in Spanish so I could not make it out what it says… I got around .65 but I assumed it was .065. Like I said the math might be off, but the share count was accurate with a total of 230M.

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I just need understanding. How did AURYN end up with the mountain with no payment to MDMN and now we owe them $2,000,000