Medinah Minerals (MDMN) - 2017 Q1General Discussion

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Hi Mike,

If the grades in that most recent 42 meter intersection are “approximately twice” the 11.5 gpt gold and 1.6% Cu found in the first 28 meter section then they’re shooting for a lot more than a “suitable vein”. They’re swinging for a home run. They can tell if they’re in 2A or not by the texture of the vein (crustiform vs chalcedonic (milky quartz) vs quartz with visible quartz crystals vs the degree of banding, age, etc. and it appears they’re not in the “bonanza grade” structure quite yet. The various veins in this area could differ in age by many millions of years.

Part of the complexity might be that the Merlin 1 Vein system is hosted both by the ocoitic andesite on the northern terminus which is an igneous “extrusive” rock (lava) and the monzodiorite which is an igneous “intrusive” rock that doesn’t flow like lava out of a volcanic vent or diatreme. The only reason the monzodiorite is found at surface is due to erosion and weathering. It sounds like the ocoitic andesite near the surface of the downslope was highly weathered and like you say unconsolidated. Once they got into the monzodiorite (granodiorite) it sounds like it was much more consolidated and much easier to drift the adit through.

In the ore shoot that gave rise to the “bonanza grades” in 2A everything must have been perfect for significant gold deposition i.e. the temperature, the pressure , the PH of the hydrothermal fluids, the chemistry of the host rocks, the ability of the fluids to boil, the plumbing system, etc. It would be nice to just hop into 2A and start mining but I don’t think the permitting authorities would allow that without a formal mine plan involving a ton of safety precautions. It might be wiser to come from beneath as you suggested maybe using “shrinkage stoping” as is often used in high grade low width veins.

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ok so it’s safe to say that Auryn is a little delayed in providing an update on exploration, Hello Auryn can you hear me??? April in 2 days.

District-wide Analysis Planned for February
Dr. Jannas will work with other mining engineers, geologists, and consultants during the month of February to help AURYN determine the best strategy for expanding and developing the project. This involves
uncovering the full length of the 42m intersection of the main vein and taking 20 samples for a detailed analysis,
continuing the mapping and evaluation of levels 1 and 2 in an effort to further understand the vein’s behavior and the topography, and
beginning exploration and analysis on the Fortuna and the Las Dos Marias targets.


Please Auryn, don’t come out with an update in two days!! In North America we have a tradition on that day.


Maybe it would of been better if MDMN halted trading when we were .015 last july? Maybe others would not be able to sell but neither would Les dumping all the shares from almost 1 year ago or the flippers. What was the positive from not halting trading we are 1 penny down and someone is still dumping at half a penny. I can tell you these are free trading shares not paid for that are being dumped. It would of been nice for the long term shareholders that have stuck around for a few years (6 and over) somehow to be rewarded and not the flippers or those holding illegal shares.


I hear you Hulk :wink:

I agree. The funny thing is Leangreen caught this way before Goodin did and he’s not even on the BOD.

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Pretty sure only regulators can halt trading. Otherwise every company would issue a halt when bad news hit.

These temporary trading interruptions, also known as regulatory halts, tend to be relatively short and are designed to allow prompt and full dissemination of the news to the marketplace at large.


I would understand if the financials in a company were not great but a BOD scamming the shareholders 1.5 bil shares is a different story but nobody gives a rats azz.


Who was on our BOD that scammed us??

Sorry his tittle was Chile Representative.

With no authority

But was given authority to represent us at one point in time for documents in Chile. Do not think that this conflicts with ongoing investigation, but that’s what attorneys are for…

No authority to release shares through transfer agent
Anyone thinking Days are clean are looking at Les buddies


All of them. Either overtly or by sitting on their hands.


Les already smelled like a skunk from his past dealings. How can they give him that kind of power??:thinking:POS I hope for nothing but bad things to this garbage of a human being.


Some random pics from an Auryn employee on Facebook. Looks like very visible gold in quartz in one of the photos although it might be chalcopyrite. I have no idea what that purple rock is but looks like good stuff!


Few more:


Those rocks look amazing!!


That’s a big bulldozer first time I see a big one on the Alto.