That’s a hoe- excavator…FWIW…it may be all Greek too you
Hi Mike,
I’m pretty sure that’s “bornite” or “peacock Cu”. It’s very attractive but more importantly it’s 63% Cu by mass.
How is it an employee posts pictures and Auryn’s facebook doesn’t have them? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Did someone post pictures that they were not supposed to?
Auryn has shared his pictures on their Facebook page.(Not all of them.)
They are not on Auryn’s facebook. Someone that visits Auryn’s facebook does not see the pictures don’t get me wrong we get first glimpse of the pictures but they should be available to everyone.
My mistake but it links to it since he quoted auryn mining in his posts so it shows up on Facebook when you type in Auryn Mining
Gorgeous rocks to say the least.
Bornite is an important copper ore mineral and occurs widely in porphyry copper .
I like the sound of this
“WOW” Have they taken the bus off the blocks now?
Seems the wheels might be freeing up some, they might still go round and round after all.
With pictures like those posted, I find it a little more acceptable to tolerate some delays, and not get too upset.
I know from Mining,you have to learn Patience.
Test runs will test you.
Mother nature played a cruel trick on her humans, she made the pretty things we value so much,
the hardest to find, mine, carry, and hold onto.
On another note;
A few boards back, some people put together some Google satellite overlays, of this beautiful mountain.
They represented, how much of it was claimed (deede) by MDMN.
To Who ever accomplished that, could you please post those again?,
And any updated information related to what ARYN might own now.
It was lovely to look at, and explore.
Thanks In Advance…
Great photos, but can anyone tell me what is the significance of the hat in the middle of the snow road?
I think Les is under it. Or I hope.
I thought this was interesting about Gold Corp and Barrick in Chile dated March 30, 2017:
FYI in March 2010 Barrick announced it has agreed to acquire an additional 25% interest in the Cerro Casale project in Chile from Kinross Gold for consideration of $475 million, The purchase increased Barrick’s interest in Cerro Casale to 75% and places it in control of the project.
Goldcorp will also acquire a 25 percent stake in Cerro Casale from Barrick, whose holding in the project will decrease to 50 percent from 75 percent. The company will pay for the stake by funding all initial expenditures on Cerro Casale and by contributing the Caspiche project into the joint venture.
And we have a world class property
Yes, we do.
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