Medinah Minerals (MDMN) - 2017 Q3 General Discussion

Karl didn’t Auryn mention IPO on the past release around the 4th quarter?

Sorry that was a typo I corrected!

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You are so right in all you put into that post, Peter. Thank you!

Of note in the 2017 Q2 is part of the “settlement” that may have already been noted in posts, but I believe is still getting worked on to determine which shares are still in the process of being accounted for and recovered. It is worth noting from the 2017 Q2:

As part of the settlement, Leslie Price must turn over all of the stock he owns in any of the
following companies to the benefit of Medinah Minerals, Inc.:
• Medinah Minerals, Inc.,
• American Sierra Gold Corp.,
• Cerro Dorado, Inc.,
• AURYN Mining Chile SpA, and
Pamela Fitzpatrick must turn over all of the stock she owns in Medinah Minerals, Inc. for the
Company’s benefit.


I just picked up some shares at .0045. I was surprised I got filled. Plus the ask (.0045) did not move for now. Enter at your own risk…


Thank you for your support and responses to the CRA.
It is important that those of you who agree with contacting the CRA, do exactly that. It is straight forward. The money from MMC was never accounted for, thereby making it the responsibility of the CRA to investigate. Court documents validate this point.
Please call and have other shareholders call or submit a notification!

Understanding the extent of work Kevin and his “group” have done to get us thus far is significant and critical.
It is important to note than everything was and needed to be done through MDMN as a company, and as such there were limits for negotiations in order to keep the company secure and moving forward.

The rest -IMO- is up to our systems to pursue fraud -white collar and corporate. Here’s a quote from the FBI list:

Edited by poster.
Corporate Fraud and the FBI

I checked with my local FBI office and I will assume the authorities are aware of the situation given details now available.
I don’t think anything further is needed.

MOST important is move forward with patience, determination, understanding the complexities of partnerships, mining process and the geological potential of the entire property! The legal systems are in place and will take care of those issues.
This is a business venture and will take the time and expertise required to fully develop.
We have significant resources on this board to analyze all kinds of data as it is released both legal, financial, structural and geological.

For those of you who understand, please help other to understand we are moving forward as best we can.
Thank you,


Don’t let your anger at Les end up tying us up in legal battles.

I’m fairly confident that as part of the settlement Les is precluded from instigating further legal action on the company.


You are correct … from the 2017 Q2:

The Company has settled its legal disputes filed in Vancouver, BC with Les Price, Pamela Fitzpatrick, GXK Ventures Inc., and MMC Mines Inc. As a result, the following lawsuits are in the process of being dismissed with prejudice:
• Medinah Minerals, Inc. vs. Les Price, Pamela Fitzpatrick, GXK Ventures Inc., MMC Mines Inc., et al.
• Leslie Price vs. Medinah Minerals, Inc.
• GXK Ventures Inc. vs. Medinah Minerals, Inc.

and regarding Okanadian:

The Company has settled its legal dispute with Okanadian Management Corp. As a result, Okanadian has dismissed with prejudice:
• Okanadian Management Corp. vs. Medinah Minerals, Inc., Leslie Price, MMC Mines, et al.


When a case is dismissed for good reason and the plaintiff is barred from bringing an action on the same claim.

That’s true. This is not about shareholders going after Les. It’s about shareholders supporting the CRA to finish the job. Phone calls etc show them the extent of damage done to shareholders. They already know the details of the violations.

Shareholders should and will move forward with MDMN / Auryn. I’m done and moving forward. Les is essentially in the past and in the hands of the authorities.


The above quote says IN THE PROCESS.

Maybe we ought to wait until we know for sure the process is COMPLETE before we take action against somebody who could possibly decide to change his mind? Since we have not SEEN any settlement paperwork (as usual), we do not know all the facts.


I believe the extent of “the process” we are waiting on is merely for the shares to be returned to MDMN from the transfer agent.


My best guess is that Dr. Sillitoes’s report would have been incorporated into any F-1 application submitted to the SEC in preparation for the IPO. We are unlikely to see it before there is an announcement of an approval for the IPO. Until then, a review of the “0ld deck” prepared a couple of years back gives significant insight as to what to expect.

The Fortuna de Lampa has a corridor of parallel veins for 1.5 km.
Historical mining records show narrow high grade Au-CU+Ag
There was talk early on of the need for permitting.
The Dos Marias target consisting of an old mine containing Cu-Au oxides was said to have Auryn reinterpreting data. I’m sure Drs. Sillitoe and Jannas have reviewed and assisted with the newer interpretation in the context of the entire ALTO.
With the Limpangue Breccia having 10,000 M drilled (old and new), AURYN was also reinterpreting and relogging historical data prior to continuing exploration. I’m sure this is included in any new evaluation of the ALTO. It was noted that the Breccia is likely related to a porphyry system vectorization jointly with the Pegaso Nero (PN).
The Pegaso Nero is a Mo Anomoly 4 x 1.2 km in length consisting of Cu-Mo-Au that is open in all directions. It has been dated and with mineralization similar to the Anadacollo mine.

Regarding progress on the Caren Veins there was little information actually contained in the “old deck”. The most detailed and significant information is found in January’s Notification and should be reviewed for anyone interested in exploitation prospects for Merlin 1 on Adits 1 & 2, including the Larissa Adit:

To be sure, if all has gone well with the F-1 application (and I expect it has), and we have an upcoming IPO as expected, there will be a new deck accompanying it with much greater detail outlining what we have and what to expect. There are many items that may come out before then, but AURYN has been very tight lipped in it’s last few Notification releases. There is little to comment on until AURYN has it’s next news releases.


Well what do you know? Handshake is still posting on Silicon Investor, mostly giving Don Wolenchuk grief. Wolenchuk had Les Price on his radio show in the late 1990s telling of the promise of Medinah. My broker heard the radio program and had me buy some stock much to my continuing long-term financial sorrow.

One of the morals…

Never take financial advice from a guy with the title of “broker”.


I’ve mentally marked my positions in MDMN and CDCH to zero. Right now I’m a half a penny in the black on MDMN and more so in CDCH. My original investment and opportunity cost is a thing of the past. If these investments yield any sort of return from here it’s all gravy. Checking into TMP once a week is more than enough. If CDCH were to trade back to the .004 level I will add. Otherwise these investments aren’t worth the time unless you have too much of it.

There are competent, motivated, folks trying to find some sort of value in two companies masquerading as public equities that desperately need to be consolidated into one investment (Auryn). Until that happens people here will be forced to choke on the relentless rumors (like a JV with FCX) being spun by the same jokers who haven’t been able to call a spade a spade for more than a decade.

I believe there is a real possibility for 4-5 cents (10-12 cents CDCH) as long as the geo results turn out to be “WCD.” If this isn’t a big enough number either add, sell, or reset your expectations. A 10 bagger from here would be “stupendous”


Well…I will say your price targets are actually inline with mine with perhaps 2X more if Auryn/partner hit some particularly good stuff such as 1000 meter intersection of 1 percent copper etc.

There last remaining risk of the conversion of Medinah to Auryn shares probably disappeared with the settlement with Les. (Of course, the possibility of a significant reduction in shares outstanding went out the window at the same time.) There seems little or no chance that Auryn wouldn’t follow through with going public . Only reason would be they simply sell the Alto now but seems unhighly likely/unwise on their part.

There is 0% doubt of the WCD nature of the Alto but granted Auryn/partner will need to prove it to the satisfaction of investors for us to reap the benefits.

There is 0% doubt of Auryn having a partner like FCX or another similar sized major. Auryn can’t develop the Alto alone. I think it interesting that at the same time Auryn was stating that FCX is interested in a JV with them, FCX is stated in their financials that they really are only looking at exploring properties next to existing reserves/developed mines inline with what other Majors are doing. I think it is only the extraordinary combination of location, size, expected grade, shallow depth, and low political/environmental risk presence at the Alto that has them interested. Perhaps it is the only property they are interested in outside of the exploration criteria that they are following.

What isn’t known is will Auryn give away the farm in order to secure a JV? Hopefully, they can simply partition off part of the Alto to keep the epithermal portion for themselves to develop.



without disclosing any material info, a simple Yes/No question: Have you received any communication from Auryn in the last 60 days?


No, I have not.

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Wrong Kevin. I think you want to send it Wizard.