The “second” Fig. 1 of this paper (somebody made a boo-boo): “Conceptual model…” shows a striking similarity to Fig 1 of AMC’s new power point presentation “Mapping and trenching…”
If you look at the upper right hand corner of Corbett’s figure at the link you’ll see the prototypical low sulfide epithermal system diagram. Note the phreatic breccia in the upper right corner with the 3 parallel “sheeted veins” (labeled “s”).
In AMC’s Fig 1 note the right hand box near the Fortuna Mine. The gray area inside of the yellow and pink is the brecciated area. A bx is an area with enormous past explosivity in which in this case the granodiorite literally exploded into gravel-like angular bits that got glued together usually by molten quartz. Note the width of the yellow “argillic alteration” this is granodiorite that literally got “cooked” by hydrothermal fluids from an underlying intrusive. Imagine the pressure that this system generated to “cook” and blow apart that much granodiorite.
What happens is the magmatic hydrothermal fluids from a magma chamber are released when the roof of the magma chamber blows and it gets hurled towards the surface where it runs into the water table. This induces a huge explosion that shoots the hydrothermal fluids upwards and laterally. A little tiny historical magma chamber and the adjacent area above its historical roof, now called a porphyry, can’t generate forces and pressures like that.
Note the parallelism of the veins on AMC’s fig. 1, they all run pretty much NW to SE except for M 3. This is what “parallel sheeted veins” do. The biggest faults in the area run NE to SW which is 90-degrees different which is the norm for these side faults of smaller size. All of the showings in AMC’s Fig. 1 are just side channels off of the 7 Km long swath of about a dozen intrusives seen on the hyper spectral satellite study of Perez.
Keeping things in context, this Merlin-Fortuna area is just a little tiny sliver of a much bigger entity. It’s nice because it’s hi grade and at surface which makes it an excellent early production opportunity in order to get some cash flowing. The AMC slide deck mentioned that these veins are “preserved” as noted by the “quartz carbonate textures”. Corbett’s diagram shows that green hot air balloon figure labeled “carbonate base metal gold”. In not so well “preserved” epithermal deposits this stuff has been eroded away over the millions of years. The “quartz sulphide gold/copper” is often all that is left but we got lucky here.
Yes JMP , I was just going to ask the same thing, you beat me to it.
We were supposed to see some news wires already , where in the heck $;(&/!;;! are they?
This is not a jab at you but I heard that August, September, October, November and December were going to be good months and we all know how that turned out.
Here are three of my favorite Warren Miller quotes…
“If you dont do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.”
“If at first you don’t succeed, failure may be your thing.”
Unless a new delay or another excuse shows up, Auryn is coming out with all the rest of the information that we have been waiting for in about a week. Its time to wrap this up.
I haven’t been expecting anything of substance for some time now, although I believe the possibility exists for some good news some time in early 2016… Jan - February. All things subject to change, of course.
So now January is our month. I understand the patience needed for a passive investment but the “boy calling wolf” claims of news on the horizon is getting tiring.
There are 482 “active users” on theminingplay in the last 30 days. There is no reliable count of the number of shareholders with positions in MDMN, but until daily volume puts this on the radar of day-traders and new investors it is unlikely “news” will move this PPS in the spectacular fashion of the past, IMO. One has only to look at the commodity CRB index and the AU, AG, CU and Brent charts as posted last week by CHG on the old miningplay to see there is a downwards pressure negatively effecting the sector. When JJ’s shares are settled, then we may expect volume buying and not before. 2016 may well be a milestone year for shareholders, especially if the JJ share problem is resolved.
There was a time we would not get news for months. If someone thinks it’s hard to be invested now, just ask the many longs the path they have endured.
We finally have a legitimate partner who is trying to develop the property in a professional and methodical way. With Auryn in complete control I finally have the utmost confidence in this investment. Sit back and watch events unfold…MOO
I feel far more confident and rest far easier today, even at $0.015. Given the results published to date and the reputable partner, I have no doubts that the option will be exercised or a TO made and I’ll get least 5x from here. Never had that confidence before AMC and the last two sets of announced results.